vespa是什么意思 vespa的中文翻译、读音、例句

vespa是什么意思 vespa的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 意义:Vespa是意大利语,意为“黄蜂”,用于描述摩托车的形态和特征,因其外观形似黄蜂而得名。

2. 品牌:Vespa是一种流行的摩托车品牌,它的产品设计时尚、性能优良,受到了全球年轻人的追捧。

3. 影响:Vespa作为一种意大利文化符号和时尚代表,已经融入到了现代的生活中,成为了一种文化现象。


1. I saw a cool Vespa on the street yesterday. (我昨天在街上看到一辆很酷的Vespa。)

2. The Vespa brand is known for its stylish and high-performance scooters. (Vespa品牌以其时尚高性能的摩托车而闻名。)

3. The Vespa has become a symbol of Italian culture and fashion. (Vespa已经成为意大利文化和时尚的象征。)

4. She loves riding her Vespa to work every day. (她每天都喜欢骑着她的Vespa上班。)

5. I'm planning to buy a Vespa for my girlfriend as a birthday gift. (我计划给我的女朋友买一辆Vespa作为生日礼物。)



1. 汽车或摩托车品牌“维斯帕”;

2. 黄蜂科昆虫“黑黄胡蜂”。


1. Il mio amico ha comprato una nuova vespa.


(My friend bought a new Vespa.)

2. La vespa è un insetto molto fastidioso.


(The wasp is a very annoying insect.)

3. Ho visto una vespa che volava molto veloce.


(I saw a wasp flying very fast.)

4. Siamo andati in giro in vespa per tutto il giorno.


(We went around on the Vespa all day.)

5. La mia vespa è di colore blu e bianco.


(My Vespa is blue and white in color.)

6. Le vespe stanno costruendo un nido nel mio giardino.


(The wasps are building a nest in my garden.)

7. Mia madre ha imparato a guidare la vespa quando era giovane.


(My mother learned to ride the Vespa when she was young.)

8. La vespa ha pungenti che possono causare dolore e irritazione.


(The wasp has stingers that can cause pain and irritation.)

9. Ho preso una vespa nella mia mano e mi ha pungito.


(I caught a wasp in my hand and it stung me.)


读音:věi sī pà


1. 我喜欢骑着我的Vespa穿越城市。

I love riding my Vespa through the city.

2. 他的Vespa是他最宝贵的财富。

His Vespa is his most precious possession.




例句:In the morning, I usually walk to work or take my Vespa. (早晨我通常步行或者骑着我的黄蜂小型摩托车去上班。)


例句:Either way the retro stylings of the Vespa motorcycle's handlebars and headlights definitely give these lamps a unique look. (无论怎样,Vespa摩托车的车把和前灯的复古设计确实让这些灯看起来与众不同。)


例句:- So I'm driving my Vespa, and this guy comes out of nowhere and hits me. (-我正驾着我的伟士伯 却有人突然冲出来撞我 我一下子被撞飞了)


例句:Well, why not give the Vespa a reward for its hard work and take it for a couple of weeks to the land of its ancestors? (翻译:我何不奖励一下我那辛苦工作的“Vespa”,把它带到它的故乡去玩上几个星期呢?)


vespa一般作为名词使用,如在genus Vespa([网络] 胡蜂属)、nidus vespa(蜂房)、ocosia vespa(裸线鲉;石狗公;石头鱼)等常见短语中出现较多。

genus Vespa[网络] 胡蜂属
nidus vespa蜂房
ocosia vespa裸线鲉;石狗公;石头鱼
Vespa crabro[网络] 黄边胡蜂;费边胡蜂;大黄蜂
vespa crabroes[网络] 黄边胡蜂;费边胡蜂;大黄蜂\n(vespa crabro 的复数)
vespa ducalis姬虎头蜂;双金环虎头蜂;黑尾胡蜂
vespa process速度谱分析处理
vespa vivax威氏虎头蜂;寿胡蜂


1. - So I'm driving my Vespa, and this guy comes out of nowhere and hits me. (翻译:-我正驾着我的伟士伯 却有人突然冲出来撞我 我一下子被撞飞了)

2. Well, why not give the Vespa a reward for its hard work and take it for a couple of weeks to the land of its ancestors? (翻译:我何不奖励一下我那辛苦工作的“Vespa”,把它带到它的故乡去玩上几个星期呢?)

3. Vanessa can only fit two on her vespa,but i can walk. (翻译:Vanessa 的小摩托只能载下两个人 不过我可以走路回去)

4. To explore the city, you can rent a Vespa, bikeboards, or the original Piaggio Ape Calessino and a picnic basket. (翻译:若要游览城市风景,您可以租一辆轻便摩托车、一脚蹬脚踏车或者一辆三轮车和一个野餐篮子。)

5. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here on this most joyous occasion to witness Princess Vespa, daughter of King Roland, going right past the altar, heading down the ramp, and out the door! (翻译:各位亲朋好友,我们欢聚一堂... 是为了见证罗兰国王的女儿小维公主... 闪过圣坛,直奔坡道...)

6. Prince Valium, do you take Princess Vespa to be your wife? (翻译:安定王子,你愿意娶小维公主 为你的合法妻子吗?)

7. That quickly becomes clear if you try to make an appointment with him. Or happen to spot him zipping around New York City on his Vespa. (翻译:如果你试着跟他做个会晤或者恰好看到他骑着黄蜂摩托车在纽约城一闪而过,就会很快了解这一点。)

8. Hopefully, they write me a big, fat check so I can get a Vespa. (翻译:但愿他们给我开张丰厚的支票 我就能买辆黄蜂小摩托了)

9. So, Princess Vespa, at last I have you in my clutches to have my way with you the way I want to. (翻译:小维公主... 你终于落入了我掌心 我现在可以为所欲为了)

10. In the morning, I usually walk to work or take my Vespa. (翻译:早晨我通常步行或者骑着我的黄蜂小型摩托车去上班。)

11. Sometimes considered a subgenus of vespa: social wasps. (翻译:有时被看成是胡蜂属的一个亚属;群居的黄蜂。)

12. Vespa venom comprises two groups of compounds: proteins and non-proteins. (翻译:蜂毒由蛋白质和非蛋白质两部分组成。)



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