dui是什么意思 dui的中文翻译、读音、例句

dui是什么意思 dui的中文翻译、读音、例句

“dui” 是一个中文词语,意思是对方或者是对面。它通常是一个方位词或者介词,用来表述位置或者方向关系。



1. 对面 (duì miàn) - opposite side

2. 对立 (duì lì) - opposite

3. 对比 (duì bǐ) - contrast

4. 对话 (duì huà) - dialogue

5. 对称 (duì chèn) - symmetry

6. 对付 (duì fù) - deal with

7. 对待 (duì dài) - treat



1. 他们很幸运地住在海边,对面就是海。 (Tāmen hěn xìngyùn de zhù zài hǎibiān, duìmiàn jiùshì hǎi.) - They are lucky to live by the sea, and the sea is just opposite.

2. 他们俩的性格截然相反,简直是对立的。 (Tāmen liǎ de xìnggé jiérán xiāngfǎn, jiǎnzhí shì duìlì de.) - Their personalities are completely opposite, it's almost as if they are against each other.

3. 经过对比测试,我们最终选择了最好的产品。 (Jīngguò duìbǐ cèshì, wǒmen zuìzhōng xuǎnzhòngle zuì hǎo de chǎnpǐn.) - After comparing tests, we finally chose the best product.

4. 他们正在进行一场激烈的对话,争论不休。 (Tāmen zhèngzài jìnxíng yīchǎng jīliè de duìhuà, zhēnglùn bùxiū.) - They are having a heated dialogue, arguing non-stop.

5. 这个图案很整齐,左右对称。 (Zhège tú'àn hěn zhěngqí, zuǒyòu duìchèn.) - This pattern is very neat and symmetrical.

6. 政府采取了一系列措施来对付环境污染。 (Zhèngfǔ cǎiqǔle yīxìliè cuòshī lái duìfù huánjìng wūrǎn.) - The government has taken a series of measures to deal with environmental pollution.

7. 我们应该平等对待每个人,不论他们的种族、性别或者宗教信仰。 (Wǒmen yīnggāi píngděng duìdài měi ge rén, bùlùn tāmen de zhǒngzú, xìngbié huòzhě zōngjiào xìnyǎng.) - We should treat everyone equally, regardless of their race, gender, or religious beliefs.


在英语中,“DUI”指的是“Driving Under the Influence”,即酒后驾车,是美国各州所规定的一种刑事犯罪。另外,“DUI”也可指“Digital User Interface”,即数字用户界面,是一种电子设备的人机交互方式。


1. 我们需要两个人来组成一个DUI队伍。(汉语翻译:We need two people to form a DUI team.)

2. 酒后驾车会导致DUI罪行。(汉语翻译:Driving under the influence can lead to a DUI charge.)

3. 他已经因为DUI被捕了两次。(汉语翻译:He has been arrested twice for DUI.)

4. 这个数字产品的DUI设计非常人性化。(汉语翻译:The DUI design of this digital product is very user-friendly.)

5. 我们的DUI队伍已经开始训练了。(汉语翻译:Our DUI team has started training.)

6. 他因为DUI被判处社区服务。(汉语翻译:He was sentenced to community service for DUI.)

7. 这台电脑的DUI非常简单,很容易上手。(汉语翻译:The DUI of this computer is very simple and easy to use.)

8. 酒后驾车是一种违法的行为,会导致DUI罪。(汉语翻译:Drunk driving is an illegal act that can result in a DUI charge.)

9. 我们的DUI队伍在比赛中取得了优异的成绩。(汉语翻译:Our DUI team achieved excellent results in the competition.)


1. 对 (duì)




- 我们要对着屏幕看。

- 这个问题我没法对答案。

- 他和我站在对面。

2. 兑 (duì)




- 我们来兑换纪念品吧。

- 他频繁兑换奖品。

- 我们需要尽快兑现自己的承诺。

3. 堆 (duī)




- 我们可以把这些书堆在桌子上。

- 这些纸箱子已经堆到天花板了。

- 我们需要尽快清理家里的堆积物。

4. 对 (dui)




- 他的观点有点古怪,我不得不对他进行辩论。

- 我们需要自己思考问题,不要随便对别人的看法进行反驳。

- 他的论点被完全破坏了,无法再对别人进行反驳。

5. DUI (Driving Under the Influence)



- DUI是一种非常危险的行为,可能对自己和他人造成伤害。

- 酒后驾车是违法行为,会受到严重惩罚。

- 为了避免酒后驾车,我们应该尽量减少饮酒量。




例句:The Lake County Police never mentioned this DUI because they didn't know about it. (莱克郡警方从没提到过这起酒驾 因为他们根本不知道)


例句:You have a DUI involving the Baja Fund CEO. (你手头上还有 巴哈基金CEO酒后驾车的案子吧)


例句:He doesn't want to admit it, so he goes and has four drinks... trying to make it look like he's covering up a DUI. (他不愿承认 硬说自己是喝了4杯酒 好让别人以为他是酒后驾车)


例句:That was unlikely, so David Lee asked me to set up a DUI trap. (翻译:当时根本不可能 所以David Lee让我做了点手脚)


1. He doesn't want to admit it, so he goes and has four drinks... trying to make it look like he's covering up a DUI. (翻译:他不愿承认 硬说自己是喝了4杯酒 好让别人以为他是酒后驾车)

2. That was unlikely, so David Lee asked me to set up a DUI trap. (翻译:当时根本不可能 所以David Lee让我做了点手脚)

3. unfortunately not. He was charged with a DUI when he was in university. (翻译:可惜不是。他上大学的时候就因为醉酒驾车被起诉过一次。)

4. Wait a minute, that wasn't just a DUI. (翻译:厄? ! 这不是普通的醉驾,你是怎么假释出来的?)

5. He was arrested for DUI. (翻译:他因酒后驾车被拘留。)

6. And you drove over here intoxicated. You want a second DUI? (翻译:你还醉着开车到了这里,你还想被拦下检查吗)

7. Now it's mandatory only after you've been convicted of DUI. (翻译:现在只有在你被判酒后驾车后才需接受强制教育。)

8. In addition to all that, you are being charged with DUI driving the wrong side of the road and destruction of police property. (翻译:除那些之外,你还被控酒后驾车 行错线及损毁警物)

9. This is online map of the address "Da Wu Nu Zhen Xi Zhang Zhuang Da Dui , Anguo City, Baoding City, Hebei Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国河北省保定市安国市大五女镇西张庄大队”匹配的在线电子地图。)

10. Since his DUI arrest last spring he has stopped driving, only drinks wine and has cut down on his clubbing . (翻译:自去年春天他酒醉驾驶之后被拘捕他已经停止驾驶,只喝葡萄酒、果子酒之类而且已经减少俱乐部的活动。)

11. Just because my DUI made my community service mandatory, (翻译:虽然由于醉酒驾车 使我的社区服务变成了强制性的)

12. I think I can get him to two years on count one, reduce the great bodily injury enhancement... to what's called a DUI with injury. (翻译:我可以让他同意第一项罪名判两年 把严重身体伤害罪 减轻为酒后驾车伤人)

13. Marcus Tate had his third DUI. (翻译:Marcus Tate刚被第三次控告酒驾 Marcus Tate had his third DUI.)

14. I think this doctor on the surrogacy case has a drinking problem, but I need someone at the SA's office to confirm rumors of a DUI. (翻译:我认为这个代孕案子的医生 有酗酒问题 需要州检里有人帮我 证实一下醉驾的传闻)

15. This is online map of the address "Lu Zhuang Xiang Bei Bian Wu San Dui , Anxin County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国河北省保定市安新县芦庄乡北边吴三队”匹配的在线电子地图。)

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