continous是什么意思 continous的中文翻译、读音、例句

continous是什么意思 continous的中文翻译、读音、例句

continuous是一个形容词,表示连续的、不断的、持续的。常见的词组搭配有continuous line(连续线)、continuous improvement(持续改进)、continuous process(连续过程)、continuous flow(连续流)、continuous learning(持续学习)等。它的发音为/kənˈtɪnjuəs/,拼写为continuous。


1. The continuous rain has made the streets flood.(连续的雨使街道发生了洪水。)

2. He practices the piano every day for continuous improvement.(他每天练习钢琴以持续改进。)

3. The factory has a continuous process for manufacturing automobiles.(工厂有一个连续的制造汽车的流程。)

4. The continuous flow of oxygen is necessary for the patient's recovery.(氧气的连续流动对病人的康复很重要。)

5. Continuous learning is the key to keeping up with the changing times.(持续学习是跟上时代变化的关键。)

6. The continuous beep of the alarm clock woke me up.(闹钟不停的哔哔声把我吵醒了。)

7. The continuous sound of traffic outside my window disturbed my concentration.(窗外持续的交通噪音干扰了我的注意力。)




1. The factory operates on a continuous basis, 24 hours a day.


2. She had a continuous headache for three days.


3. Some people prefer to study in short bursts, while others prefer continuous study.


4. The composer's music is characterized by a continuous flow of melody.





例句:Althrough the growth of the national economy is continous, some people get much less than other people. (虽然国民经济不断增长,有些人获益远不如另一些人多。)


例句:Electronic - components. parkaging of components for automatic handling. part 1 : tape packaging of components with axial leads on continous tapes. (电子元件。自动运输用零部件的包装。第1部分: 连续胶带上带轴向引线的元件用胶带包装。)


例句:Continous casting and extrusion (CASTEX) technology is adopted to produce 6201 electric aluminium alloy rod. (采用连续铸挤工艺生产6201电工铝合金线材。)


1. Continous casting and extrusion (CASTEX) technology is adopted to produce 6201 electric aluminium alloy rod. (翻译:采用连续铸挤工艺生产6201电工铝合金线材。)

2. We're all being bombarded with information on a continous basis, a lot of it in written form. (翻译:我们所有人处于一个信息爆炸的年代,大多数信息都是书面表达方式。)

3. Also, use the concept of Kaizen to make small, constant changes to your life so that you're always on the road of continous improvement. (翻译:同时,要利用改善的概念来缓慢地、不断地改变你的生活,这样你就会一直保持不断进步。)

4. The desire of the flowers is the heart is warm sun, li yan fragrance; Wish is suddenly missing, long feeling continous idea. (翻译:花开的愿望是心暖向阳、丽颜芬芳; 思念的愿望是蓦然相望,情绵意长。)

5. Only by continous efforts to put a full stop into a comma and to pursue your goal can a perfect full stop be waiting for you in the front. (翻译:只有不断努力地把句号变为逗号,不断地追求自己的目标,完美的句号才会在前方等待你。)

6. I always believe that life is not a win-or-lose rivalry, but a continous relay race in the wilderness. (翻译:我一直坚信人生并不是一场你胜我败的角逐,而更像一场前赴后继的荒野接力。——余秋雨。)

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