psx是什么意思 psx的中文翻译、读音、例句

psx是什么意思 psx的中文翻译、读音、例句







1. You can enjoy all your favorite PSX games on the PSX console.


2. Do you have PSX version or PC version of this game?

你有这个游戏的PSX版本还是PC版本3. The PSX controller is comfortable to hold and easy to use.


4. I am playing a classic PSX game on the PSX emulator.


5. The PSX was a revolutionary gaming console when it was released in 1994.


psx的中文翻译是“PlayStation游戏机”。其读音为“p s x”,即逐个念出每个字母的发音。


1. 我喜欢玩psx游戏机。

2. psx游戏机是一种非常受欢迎的游戏机。

3. 在我小时候,我经常和朋友一起玩psx游戏。




例句:So run ps eww 106896 for example. (比如可以运行ps eww 106896。)


例句:PS, this is where you live? (另外 你就住这? PS, this is where you live?)

例句:Release a sticky adhesive that deals X% weapon damage and entangles up to X enemies, slowing their movement speed by X% for X seconds. (释放出一种黏性物质,能够造成X%的武器伤害并且缠绕住X敌人,减慢它们的移动速度达X%,持续X秒。)


psx一般作为名词使用,如在PSX([网络] Parking Structure X; 南瓜汤; 斜边砂轮)等常见短语中出现较多。

PSX[网络] Parking Structure X; 南瓜汤; 斜边砂轮


1. Release a sticky adhesive that deals X% weapon damage and entangles up to X enemies, slowing their movement speed by X% for X seconds. (翻译:释放出一种黏性物质,能够造成X%的武器伤害并且缠绕住X敌人,减慢它们的移动速度达X%,持续X秒。)

2. Turning to the ps-psy-psychiatrists' report. (翻译:再来看精... 精... 精神科医生的报告.)

3. To run ps, bash forks to create a new process; the new process reincarnates itself using execution, turning into a new instance of ps. (翻译:为了运行ps,bash会分叉,创建一个新进程;新进程通过使用执行,使其本身得以重生,转化为ps的一个新的实例。)

4. However, the covariance decomposition of the PS has not previously been used to evaluate medical judgment. (翻译:然而,方差分解的PS以前未曾用于评价医疗判决。)

5. Dividing that 5x8 into a 5x5 and a 5x3 leaves us with a score of 10. (翻译:把5x8的再分成5x5和5x3, 我们就能得到10分。)

6. The center is part of a consortium that is helping to fund PS1. (翻译:该研究中心是资助建立PS1的财团的一部分。)

7. Your American friend, Max Jerry Horowitz. PS. (翻译:你的美国朋友 Max Jerry Horowitz)

8. Run su - postgres -c PSQL, and follow along in Listing 8. (翻译:运行su - postgres - c ps ql,并执行清单8中的命令。)

9. X number of customers equals X number of dollars... (翻译:有多少客户就意味着 有多少钱... - 进了公司的口袋)

10. Let’s keep our 1x4 while breaking the 3x4 into a 3x3 and a 3x1. (翻译:让我们留下1x4的长方形, 并且把3x4的分成3x3的和3x1。)

11. Next, to verify that the nweb server is running, use the ps command to check it (翻译:接下来,为验证nweb服务器正在运行,可使用ps命令来对它进行检查。)

12. So you'd go to the library, say, you'd go to PS10, and you'd go inside. (翻译:所以,我去了那个图书馆, 比如这个PS 10, 走进去。)

13. Line 4 - Starts a new process with the specified command 'ps -aef.' (翻译:第4行—用指定的命令“ps—aef”启动一个新进程。)

14. PS1 prompt: Waiting for the next command (翻译:$PS1 提示符:等待下一个命令 )

15. Pressure rating: 250 psig air. (翻译:压力等级:250 PS IG中的空气。)

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