rankings是什么意思 rankings的中文翻译、读音、例句

rankings是什么意思 rankings的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:rankings指的是排名、等级、评级等等的列表或排行榜。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 词组搭配:top rankings(顶级排名)、world rankings(世界排名)、national rankings(国家排名)等等。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:['rækɪŋz]。


1. The university has consistently maintained its position in the top five in the world rankings.


2. The rankings for the top soccer players are updated every month.


3. The business school has moved up four spots in the national rankings this year.


4. Our website provides up-to-date rankings for popular tourist destinations.


5. Despite their low rankings, the team performed exceptionally well in the tournament.





1. The school's academic rankings have improved this year.


2. The company is ranked number one in the industry rankings.


3. The rankings are based on factors such as academic reputation and research output.





例句:Well we did win, every year that we entered, one of the rankings for best employer for small business. (因为每xx年我们都进入了 小型企业最佳雇主排行榜 )


例句:The Euro Tour is organized by IBPF & EPBF. Ranking points were calculated from the last 7 tour stops, up to 6 results will be used to form the rankings. (欧洲巡回赛是由IBPF & EPBF组织的。排名积分来自于最近的7站比赛,取其中最好的6站比赛结果。)


例句:Whatever the case, no one expects UBS to fall sharply down the Asia investment banking rankings, even if it does lose the top spot. (无论是哪种情况,即使瑞银确实失去了冠军宝座,也没人认为瑞银在亚洲投行业务中的排名会大幅下降。)


例句:Well, the gold standard of quality of life rankings, it's called the Mercer Survey. (翻译:生活质量排名的黄金标准 被称作美世调查 )


1. Whatever the case, no one expects UBS to fall sharply down the Asia investment banking rankings, even if it does lose the top spot. (翻译:无论是哪种情况,即使瑞银确实失去了冠军宝座,也没人认为瑞银在亚洲投行业务中的排名会大幅下降。)

2. Well, the gold standard of quality of life rankings, it's called the Mercer Survey. (翻译:生活质量排名的黄金标准 被称作美世调查 )

3. Wall Street firms, which often retrench in downturns, have been nudged down the rankings. (翻译:往往在衰退时紧缩业务的华尔街公司已经处于排名的末尾。)

4. Over the last decade, the Chinese have steadily inched up in the rankings of supercomputers. (翻译:在过去的xx年中,中国的超级计算机排名一直在稳步攀升。)

5. After all, the best education -- according to the latest World University Rankings -- is to be found in the universities of the U.K. and the U.S. (翻译:毕竟,最好的教育-- 根据最新的世界大学排名-- 最好的大学总是 在英国或者美国。)

6. In other ways, the rankings represent something of a return to tradition. (翻译:在其它方面,最新排名在一定程度上是向传统的回归。)

7. The GCI bases its rankings on a range of measures, including economic data but also health statistics and figures pertaining to the number of Internet users. (翻译:GCI的排名基于各种指标,不但包括经济数据,也包括卫生统计和与互联网用户数量有关的数据等。)

8. These regional rankings might also break down the insularity that has long been a mark of Latin American academia. (翻译:类似的区域排名,也可能打破一直成为拉美学术界桎梏的典型观念。)

9. And we didn't just want the rankings to impact the best- and the worst-performing districts. (翻译:我们不只是希望这些排名 能影响表现最好 与最次的地区, )

10. Apple has increased its brand value by $137bn, or 859 per cent, since 2006 when the BrandZ rankings were launched. (翻译:从xx年品牌排行榜发布,苹果的品牌价值已上涨了1370亿美元,也可以说上涨了859%。)

11. Wild behaviour hurt his form; punishment meant long bans and lossof rankings, so that he had to slog time and again through grimyqualifying rounds. (翻译:狂野的举止损害了他的形象;处罚意味着长期的禁赛和排名的下滑,导致他不得不一而再地为肮脏的资格赛忙活。)

12. Botswana, No. 2 in the Hausmann rankings, grew about 8% a year in the 30 years ending 1991. (翻译:在豪斯曼的排名中,博茨瓦纳排名第二,到xx年为止的xx年间,这个国家的年增长率约为8%。)

13. If the site the rich and colorful, even if BuWei rankings, as long as long as meeting rankings. (翻译:如果站点文章丰富多彩,即使不惟排名,只要时间长了站点排名一样会上去。)

14. Indeed Dalian is one of the few Chinese cities that make it into international livability rankings. (翻译:能够荣登国际宜居排行榜的中国城市寥寥无几,而大连正是其中之一。)

15. The NEF found that the people from island nations enjoy the highest HPI rankings. (翻译:新经济组织发现,来自岛国的人们享受着最高等级的快乐指数。)



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