authenticity是什么意思 authenticity的中文翻译、读音、例句

authenticity是什么意思 authenticity的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:Authenticity指的是真实性,诚实性和可信度。它可以用于描述事物是否真实,真实或真实,并且通常与真实性相关的元素包括历史性,真相性和完整性。

2. 文化:Authenticity可以用来表示文化的原始性,真实性和传统性。在这个方面,它通常用于描述文化活动,如音乐,舞蹈和节日,以及建筑物和遗址。

3. 消费:Authenticity涉及到消费者对产品真实性和真实性的期望。这种期望通常是由品牌建立的,品牌可以通过营销战略和产品设计来营造品牌的真实性和原创性。

4. 艺术:Authenticity在艺术中也非常重要。它可以用来描述作品的真正作者,它是否是真的或估价是否真实。此外,Authenticity还可以用来描述艺术品的起源和年代。

5. 信仰:Authenticity在宗教和信仰中也非常重要。它可以用来描述一个教义的真实性和可信度,并且通常用于区分真正的信徒和伪装者。


1. He valued authenticity in his relationships and refused to put on a fake facade.(他重视关系中的真实性,拒绝伪装。)

2. The museum’s authenticity was called into question when it was revealed that many of the exhibits were replicas.(当揭示许多展品都是复制品时,博物馆的真实性备受质疑。)

3. The company used social media influencers to promote their new product, but some customers questioned the authenticity of their endorsements.(公司利用社交媒体名人宣传他们的新产品,但有些顾客质疑代言的真实性。)

4. The painting was authenticated by an expert in Renaissance art, proving its authenticity and increasing its value.(一位文艺复兴艺术专家鉴定了这幅画,证实了其真实性并提高了其价值。)

5. The authenticity of the holy relic was disputed by historians and religious scholars alike.(历史学家和宗教学者都对圣物的真实性提出了质疑。)





1. The authenticity of the artwork is being questioned by experts. (专家质疑这件艺术品的真实性。)

2. He had to prove the authenticity of the antique vase he bought. (他不得不证明他购买的古董花瓶的真实性。)

3. The restaurant prides itself on the authenticity of its traditional cuisine. (这家餐厅以其传统菜肴的真实性而自豪。)

authenticity通常被翻译为"真实 、真诚"的意思,在英美地区还有"真实纯净"的意思,读音为[.ɒ:θen'tisiti],authenticity在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到69个与authenticity相关的例句。



例句:Wow, talk about authenticity. Sentence handed down by myself, Tye Mortimer... duly appointed judge of the Wyoming Circuit. (Talk about authenticity. duly appointed judge of the Wyoming circuit.)


例句:The keys to brand success are self-definition, transparency, authenticity and accountability. --Simon Mainwaring. (品牌成功的关键是定位、透明、真实和负责。西蒙;曼华林。)


例句:In fact, I did not know what African authenticity was. (事实上,我甚至不知道“真实的非洲感” 到底是个什么东西。)


例句:Taken as portraying a thirst for authenticity by some, the work is seen by many young people these days as merely whiney. (翻译:在一些人看来,小说描绘的是对真诚的渴望。当然,当今很多年轻人觉得它不过是发发牢骚。)


authenticity一般作为名词使用,如在equal authenticity(具有同等效力)、message authenticity([网络] 讯息可信赖性)、origin authenticity(原鉴别)等常见短语中出现较多。

equal authenticity具有同等效力
message authenticity[网络] 讯息可信赖性
origin authenticity原鉴别
primordial authenticity原始真实;原初本真
staged authenticity舞台化的本真性
issuer authenticity key发卡单位鉴别金钥


1. In fact, I did not know what African authenticity was. (翻译:事实上,我甚至不知道“真实的非洲感” 到底是个什么东西。)

2. Taken as portraying a thirst for authenticity by some, the work is seen by many young people these days as merely whiney. (翻译:在一些人看来,小说描绘的是对真诚的渴望。当然,当今很多年轻人觉得它不过是发发牢骚。)

3. The authenticity of an object can be certified according to the following four criteria. (翻译:作品的真实性可以依据 以下四项标准来认证)

4. And now, with the experience economy, it's about rendering authenticity. (翻译:而现在的体验经济 则关系到呈现真实性。)

5. There are two dimensions to authenticity: one, being true to yourself, which is very self-directed. (翻译:真实有两个层面: 一个,对自己真实,这是从自己来讲。)

6. Berlusconi's lawyer Niccolo Ghedini disputed the authenticity of the recordings. (翻译:贝卢斯科尼的律师尼克洛·盖蒂尼质疑这些录音的真实性。)

7. When you think about that, let me go back to what Lionel Trilling, in his seminal book on authenticity, "Sincerity and Authenticity" -- came out in 1960 -- points to as the seminal point at which authenticity entered the lexicon, if you will. (翻译:当你在想这些的时候,让我们回到 莱昂内尔特里林在他的书里提到的真实性, xx年出版的 “诚恳的和真实的” 被当成是学术重点, 你可以当作是将真实性 编入了词典。)

8. Each pair comes with a certificate of authenticity and must have been worn at least once by the donor. (翻译:每一条内裤都有一张权威认证,并且这条内裤起码是捐献者穿过一次以上的。)

9. The outdoor cafe hugs the creekside with a look of slight disrepair that lends it authenticity. (翻译:河湾边的户外咖啡馆有点年久失修的样子,更使人感到这里的沧桑。)

10. When you think about that, let me go back to what Lionel Trilling, in his seminal book on authenticity, "Sincerity and Authenticity" -- came out in 1960 -- points to as the seminal point at which authenticity entered the lexicon, if you will. (翻译:当你在想这些的时候,让我们回到 莱昂内尔特里林在他的书里提到的真实性, xx年出版的 “诚恳的和真实的” 被当成是学术重点, 你可以当作是将真实性 编入了词典。)

11. So, what physically about the memos makes you now doubt their authenticity? (翻译:所以备忘录实际上是哪方面 让你现在质疑它们的真实性了?)

12. Guess your convention folks want authenticity. (翻译:Guess your convention folks wanted authenticity.)

13. You don't want to have an authenticity wobble? Be you. (翻译:你不想出现真实性松动,是不是? 那就“做自己”吧。)

14. Norman Rosenthal, exhibitions secretary of the RA, insisted there was no reason to question the authenticity of the statues or of the dig. (翻译:皇家学院的展览秘书NORMANROSENTHAL坚称没有任何理由质疑雕像或此次挖掘的真实性。)

15. Tonight, after further investigation... we can no longer vouch for their authenticity. (翻译:今晚,经过进一步调查 我们无法再担保文件的真实性)

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