1. 词性和词义:'obess'是一个缩写词,全称为'obsess'. 它的词性为动词,意为迷恋或困扰,常常用于描述一种情感或想法对某人的强烈影响。
2. 同义词:迷恋、痴迷、热衷、沉迷等。
3. 反义词:放下、脱离、超越等。
4. 用法和搭配:obess常与介词over和with搭配,表示‘因为某种情感或想法而过度地关注或担忧某事’。例如:obess over a project (沉迷于一个项目上)、obess with a person (因一个人而痴迷)。
5. 例句:
1)She obesses over her appearance and spends hours in front of the mirror every day. 她对自己的外表非常在意,每天都会在镜子前待上数小时。
2)He was obessed with the idea of becoming a famous musician, and practiced for hours every day. 他沉迷于成为著名音乐家的想法,每天练习数小时。
3)She couldn't stop obessing over the argument she had with her friend, and replayed the conversation in her head all night. 她无法停止盘算跟朋友争吵的事情,并整夜在脑海中重播这个对话。
4)He obessed with the possibility that he might fail the exam, and couldn't focus on studying. 他困扰于自己可能会考砸这门考试,无法专心学习。
5)She obessed over her decision to quit her job, and wondered if she had made a mistake. 她对辞去工作的决定感到非常困扰,想知道自己是否犯了错误。
例句:Captai n, I want you to send a coded message, hi gh priority, to the U.. (Captai N,我要你发送编码消息, 喜GH优先级,给美国。S. S.)
例句:Stack size: ulimit a "s unlimited." (堆栈大小:ulimit—s unlimited。)
://www.ted.com/talks/nandan_nilekani_s_ideas_for_india_s_future.html (翻译://www.ted.com/talks/lang/zh-cn/nandan_nilekani_s_ideas_for_india_s_future.html)
2. OBEs are highly arousing; they can be either deeply disturbing or profoundly moving. (翻译:神识所处的境界可以给他们一种深深的烦扰,或者明显的触动。)
3. The earthquake load, duration, test direction and the requirement during the OBEs or an SSE test have been explained in detail. (翻译:对地震荷载、持续时间、试验方向以及OBE 和SSE 试验要求等问题作了较详细的说明; )
4. Yeah, will wonders never cease? (翻译:will wonders never cease? s)
5. If you want to reduce some stress, you can reduce this by the word S-T-R-E-S-S, that's stress. (翻译:如果您想减轻压力,可以用 S-T-R-E-S-S 来减轻压力。)
6. The isearch-forward-regexp and isearch-backward-regexp functions are typically bound to the M-S-s and M-S-r keystrokes. (翻译:isearch-forward-regexp 和 isearch-backward-regexp 功能通常绑定到 M-S-s 和 M-S-r 键盘输入。)
7. Survey evidence favors the theory that OBEs could arise out of the same conditions as sleep paralysis. (翻译:调查结果支持这样一个结论:神识离体有着和睡眠麻痹同样的前提条件。)
8. He constructs his unique mode S/s by modifying Saussurean diagram. (翻译:通过修改索绪尔的所指与能指图式,拉康建构出S/s模式。)
9. But the SSR is myopic when it comes to Howard Stark, which is why I have been conducting my own investigation. (翻译:战略科研署在斯塔克的事情上太短视了 But the S. S. R.)
10. 78s, when 78s became 33 and a thirds, you could sell all your music again. (翻译:之前。78S,78S 成为33和三分之二,)
11. I-I don't mean to bother you, but we're just really big fans of Firefly. (翻译:先... Hi, excuse me, s... s...)
12. ..we have officers like ACP S.S. Khan for our protection. (翻译:...有S・S・卡汗警长这样的人保护而倍感骄傲)
13. # This w-word s-so s-sweet that I r-repeat (翻译:# This w -word s -so s)
14. We took a survey about OBEs and other dream-related experiences, somewhat like the past studies referred to earlier. (翻译:我们做了一个OBE及梦境相关经历调查。有些象一前实验室里做的那些。)
15. The raisins. No, no, no. Not swollen, not disintegrated. (翻译:葡萄既没有发胀也没有发皱 Les raisins, non, ni gonflés ni fripés.)