1. 含义:表示某事物或者某种情况实际上是如此,或者事实上产生了某种影响。
例如:The new law, in effect since last month, has already caused controversy.(新法规上月开始生效,已经引起了争议。)
2. 用法:在句子中作为副词使用,可以放在句首、中间或者句尾。通常和一个动词、形容词或者介词短语连用。
例如:In effect, this means that we will have to postpone the project.(实际上,这意味着我们将不得不推迟这个项目。)
3. 意义区别:和“in fact”不同,in effect更强调某种事物或者情况所带来的意义或者影响。
例如:The company claimed to be profitable, but in effect, it was losing money.(公司声称盈利,但事实上却亏损。)
4. 同义词替换:可以用“in essence”或者“effectively”替换。
例如:In essence, the problem comes down to a lack of communication.(实质上,问题在于缺乏沟通。)
5. 注意事项:由于in effect有强调作用,有时会被误用带有情感色彩的词语。因此,在使用时要注意语气问题,确保准确表达自己的意思。
例如:In effect, you are saying that I am not good enough for the job.(事实上,你是在说我不够好以胜任这份工作。)
1. In effect, the new policy means that we will have to work longer hours.(实际上,新政策意味着我们不得不加班。)
2. We had planned to go out tonight, but the bad weather has, in effect, cancelled our plans.(我们原计划今晚出去,但坏天气实际上取消了我们的计划。)
3. The new proposal has been in effect for only one week, but it has already caused a lot of controversy.(新提议仅实行了一周,但已经引起许多争议。)
4. The company's restructuring plan will, in effect, mean that many employees will lose their jobs.(公司的重组计划实际上意味着许多员工将失去工作。)
5. The new law, in effect since last month, has had a positive impact on the environment.(自上个月开始实行的新法律实际上对环境产生了积极影响。)
in effect的意思是“实际上”,“事实上”。
读音:[ɪn ɪ'fekt]
1. In effect, the new policy will mean a pay cut for many employees.
2. The law was not enforced in effect until several years later.
3. The company's profits have been decreasing for years, but in effect, they have been able to maintain their market share.
in effect通常被翻译为"总之、有效"的意思,还经常被翻译为生效,单词读音音标为[ineffect],in effect是一个英语名词,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到26个与in effect相关的例句。
In effect的释义
例句:His powers take effect after sundown. (他的力量会在太阳落山之后有效 {\fnArial Black\fs14\bord1\shad2\3cH4E0122}His powers take effect after sundown.)
例句:Spatial chaos of metapopulation incurred by Allee effect, overcrowding effect and predation effect (集合种群空间混沌的模拟研究以及Allee效应、拥挤效应与捕食效应对空间模式的影响)
例句:The effect of which is that she can actually make me hear myself. (The effect of which is that she can actually make me hear myself.)
例句:The effect... was nearly disastrous. (翻译:相当恶劣{\fs18\3cH3E3E4B} The effect... was nearly disastrous.)
in effect一般作为名词使用,如在effect(效果 )、effect of([网络] 弱酸影响;弱硷影响;强酸影响)、effect on(对…有影响)等常见短语中出现较多。
effect | 效果 |
effect of | [网络] 弱酸影响;弱硷影响;强酸影响 |
effect on | 对…有影响 |
for effect | 为了外表好看, 为了做样子 |
into effect | [网络] 实施 |
no effect | [财]无效 |
of no effect | 无用,无效;无益 |
the effect | [网络] 影响;作用;结果 |
the effect of | [网络] 微循环淤血对机体的影响;的效应;的效果 |
1. The effect of which is that she can actually make me hear myself. (翻译:The effect of which is that she can actually make me hear myself.)
2. The effect... was nearly disastrous. (翻译:相当恶劣{\fs18\3cH3E3E4B} The effect... was nearly disastrous.)
3. That is the Pratfall Effect. (翻译:这就是所谓的“失态效应。” )
4. A good plan is about more than effect-y stuff... and vocabulary words. (翻译:一个完美的计划可不能只有特别炫的装备... A good plan is about more than effect -y stuff...)
5. The effect is enlightening. (翻译:其效果是有启发性的。)
6. If I kept it open it would ruin the effect which is everything. (翻译:不关门的话就会破坏哥帅气的出场效果 If I kept it open it would ruin the effect which is everything.)
7. When it does fall, it has an extraordinary effect. Each sporadic downpour may only last minutes, but it can bring life, and in spectacular numbers. (翻译:it has an extraordinary effect. and in spectacular numbers.)
8. The first event has an attribute effect, which indicates that it's a sound and not to be rendered with the TTS engine. (翻译:第一个事件具有属性effect,这表示它是一种声音,不用TTS引擎呈现。)
9. Zombie protocols in effect! (翻译:实行僵尸协议 Zombie protocols in effect!)
10. Does not change the fact that we still have a ban in effect. (翻译:并不能改变禁令生效的事实 {\3cH202020}does not change the fact that we still have a ban in effect.)
11. And the hallucinogenic visual effect and the mental effect dispersed immediately. Just: (翻译:幻觉和精神作用的影响 他们刚刚爆出像一个气球。)
12. Mild hallucinations seem to be the only side effect. (翻译:看上去出现轻微的幻觉是唯一副作用 Mild hallucinations seem to be the only side effect.)
13. It has that effect on most kids. (翻译:很多孩子都觉得图书馆沉闷 很喜欢 It has that effect on most kids.)
14. Yo, but for real... the P.L.C. Will go back in full effect. (翻译:但PLC是真的 PLC will go back in full effect)
15. So this is what's driving the effect, or mediating the effect. (翻译:这就是被后真实的力量,或者可以说是计划的结果)