hastily是什么意思 hastily的中文翻译、读音、例句

hastily是什么意思 hastily的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和词义:hastily是一个副词,表示匆忙地或草率地,常用于描述某种行为或过程的速度或质量等方面。


- She hastily packed her bags and left for the airport. (她匆忙地收拾好行李,去机场了。)

- The chef hastily added salt to the soup, but it turned out too salty. (厨师匆忙地加了盐到汤里,但它变得太咸了。)

2. 用法和搭配:hastily通常用于修饰动词或形容词,表示某种行为或状态不仅快速,而且仓促或质量不高。


- He hastily scribbled down the phone number on a piece of paper. (他匆匆忙忙地在一张纸上乱写下电话号码。)

- The contractor hastily finished the construction of the building, resulting in a lot of defects. (承包商草草完成了建筑物的施工,导致大量的缺陷。)

3. 同义词和反义词:hastily常常与慢慢地、仔细地等相对,也可以用进一步描述时间、速度和质量的副词来修饰。


- She carefully read through the contract before signing it, rather than hastily skipping over it. (她在签署合同之前仔细阅读了它,而不是匆忙地跳过。)

- He slowly and deliberately walked down the hallway, whereas his partner hastily ran past him. (他缓慢而有意识地走过走廊,而他的搭档匆忙地跑过他。)


- 她匆忙地打包好行李,去机场了。

- 厨师匆忙地加了盐到汤里,但它变得太咸了。

- 他匆匆忙忙地在一张纸上乱写下电话号码。

- 承包商草草完成了建筑物的施工,导致大量的缺陷。

- 她在签署合同之前仔细阅读了它,而不是匆忙地跳过。

- 他缓慢而有意识地走过走廊,而他的搭档匆忙地跑过他。




1. She hastily packed her bags and left for the airport. (她草草地打包行李离开了,前往机场。)

2. He hastily scribbled down the phone number on a piece of paper. (他急忙在一张纸上匆匆写下电话号码。)

3. The team hastily put together a presentation for the client. (团队匆忙为客户准备了一个演示文稿。)

4. She realized her mistake and hastily apologized. (她意识到自己的错误,匆忙道歉。)




例句:When Gerard learned the FBI was closing in, he hastily covered his tracks. (当Gerard知道联邦调查局要查到他了 When Gerard learned the FBI was closing in, 就匆忙杀害了灌丛鸦 he hastily covered his tracks.)


例句:History slowly smothers its truth, but hastily struggles to revive it in the terrible penance of pain. (历史慢慢地闷死了它的真理,但又在痛苦的可怕忏悔)


例句:The young girl had hastily thrust down her dress, with a divinely troubled motion, but he was none the less angry for all that. (那姑娘以一种天仙似的羞恼动作,连忙把裙袍拂下去,但是他并没有因此而息怒。)


例句:Peter set up a forward camp with hastily constructed timber walls and outworks, or redoubts, extending into the plain. (翻译:彼得则匆忙建起延伸至平原的木墙、外堡或者角面堡,并以此为前进营地。)


1. The young girl had hastily thrust down her dress, with a divinely troubled motion, but he was none the less angry for all that. (翻译:那姑娘以一种天仙似的羞恼动作,连忙把裙袍拂下去,但是他并没有因此而息怒。)

2. Peter set up a forward camp with hastily constructed timber walls and outworks, or redoubts, extending into the plain. (翻译:彼得则匆忙建起延伸至平原的木墙、外堡或者角面堡,并以此为前进营地。)

3. Since crisis detection is an unrealistic goal, a hastily constructed SRR is doomed to failure. (翻译:既然发现危机是一个不切实际的目标,那么匆忙构建的SRR注定会失败。)

4. The movement's leaders are preparing to spar with a government committee hastily set up by the prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu. (翻译:这场运动的领导层正准备与内塔尼亚胡总理紧急成立的一个政府委员会好好理论一番。)

5. At a news conference Sunday, Mr. Reinfeldt urged people not to jump to conclusions or act hastily. (翻译:赖因费尔特周日在新闻发布会上敦促人们不要过早下结论,也不要匆忙行动。)

6. Taking a dive at 10,000 feet with 1.5 million in cash and a hastily packed parachute might make for a pretty rough landing. (翻译:拿着150万美金 跳了伞 {\3cH202020}with 1.5 million in cash 而降落伞是仓促中装备的 {\3cH202020}and a hastily packed parachute 可能降落得很不理想 {\3cH202020}might make for a pretty rough landing)

7. In an anteroom he hastily opened his briefcase. (翻译:在休息室里,他迅速地打开皮包。)

8. Poor research: In an effort to get a business plan together hastily, many business owners do not double-check and substantiate their claims. (翻译:缺乏调查研究:为了赶商业计划,许多业主不去核查和证实他们的主张。)

9. After a time she heard a little pattering of feet in the distance, and she hastily dried her eyes to see what was coming. (翻译:过了一会儿,她听到远处轻微的脚步声,她急忙擦干眼泪,看看谁来了。)

10. Fauchelevent hastily detached the belled knee-cap from its nail and buckled it on his knee again. (翻译:割风连忙把那条系铃铛的带子从钉子上取下来,系在自己的膝弯上。)

11. "Hastily" and Qiushi feeling of life where the number of inadvertent. (翻译:《匆匆》的秋实感慨,生命里有多少个不经意。)

12. "Yes," said Alice, "I've often seen them at dinn—" She checked herself hastily. (翻译:“是的,”爱丽丝说,“我在饭桌上常常看见他们。”她急忙不说了。)

13. Central to his project is changing the constitution, hastily written by idealist young Americans in 1946 when Japan was an occupied nation. (翻译:安倍计划的核心是修改宪法,目前的宪法是xx年日本仍是被占领国时,由理想主义的年轻美国人仓促制定的。)

14. The ex-Empoli man hastily headed for the locker room and said a few words to the trainer before leaving the pitch. (翻译:前恩波利球员径直走向更衣室,然后对训练师说了几句就离开了球场。)

15. He took out a slab of cheese, pared off a slice and ate it hastily. (翻译:他拿出厚厚的一块奶酪,切下一片急匆匆地吃了。)

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