dynamics是什么意思 dynamics的中文翻译、读音、例句

dynamics是什么意思 dynamics的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 意义:指事物的运动、发展、变化等动力学特征,或者是人们之间的相互作用、关系或氛围。


- The dynamics of the stock market can be unpredictable. (股市的波动可能难以预测。)

- The dynamics of a family can change over time. (家庭的互动方式会随时间变化。)

- The dynamics between the two countries have improved in recent years. (这两个国家之间的关系近年来有所改善。)

2. 缩写词:在不同领域中可以代表不同的词组或术语,如力学、动力学、能源、组织管理等。


- The course includes a study of the basic principles of dynamics. (这门课程包括了力学的基本原理的研究。)

- The company is implementing a new organizational dynamics plan. (公司正在实施一项新的组织管理计划。)

- The conference discussed the dynamics of renewable energy in the Asia-Pacific region. (会议讨论了亚太地区可再生能源的动态。)

3. 音乐术语:表示音乐的音量、强度、变化等特征,也可以指钢琴、乐团等演奏时的技巧。


- The dynamics of the piece gradually build to a powerful finale. (作品的音乐演绎逐渐建立到一个强大的结尾。)

- The conductor encouraged the orchestra to play with more dynamics. (指挥鼓励乐团发挥更多的动态效果。)

- Dynamics play an important role in creating emotion in music. (动态效果在创造音乐情感方面起着重要作用。)


1. The dynamics of the market are changing rapidly.(市场的动态变化迅速。)

2. Understanding the dynamics of social interaction is critical for effective communication.(理解社会互动的动力学对于有效沟通至关重要。)

3. The study of vehicle dynamics is essential for designing safe and efficient cars.(车辆动力学的研究对于设计安全高效的汽车至关重要。)




例句:They are sensitive to the dynamics of the negotiation. (他们对谈判的动态很敏感。)


例句:Computational fluid dynamics is one filiation of the fluid dynamics. (计算流体力学是流体力学的一个分支。)


例句:We first captured the dynamics with a set of differential equations. (我们先以微分方程序来 描述悬浮的物理现象。)


例句:Researching dynamics of communal living. (翻译:研究社区生活的动态 Researching dynamics of communal living.)


dynamics一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在directional dynamics([力] 方向动力学)、drafting dynamics(牵伸动力学)、Dynamics AX([网络] 软件开发工程师;群体公司编码法定)等常见短语中出现较多。

directional dynamics[力] 方向动力学
drafting dynamics牵伸动力学
Dynamics AX[网络] 软件开发工程师;群体公司编码法定
Dynamics CRM[网络] 客户关系管理系统;顾客服务
dynamics design动力学设计
Dynamics Explorer动力探测机
dynamics in machines[机] 机器动力学
dynamics of adjustment调整动态学
dynamics of atomosphere大气动力学


1. We first captured the dynamics with a set of differential equations. (翻译:我们先以微分方程序来 描述悬浮的物理现象。)

2. Researching dynamics of communal living. (翻译:研究社区生活的动态 Researching dynamics of communal living.)

3. Hydrolysis Dynamics Model of Protein from Harengula zunasi by Compound Enzymes (翻译:青鳞鱼蛋白复合酶控制水解动力学模型的研究)

4. Today, China 'economy crackles with the dynamics of change. (翻译:今天,中国的经济突飞猛进,日新月异。)

5. Residue Dynamics of Iprodione in Tomato and Soil (翻译:扑海因悬浮剂在番茄和土壤中的残留动态研究)

6. Atmospheric dynamics over northwest Africa and linkages with Sahelian rainfall (翻译:在非洲西北部和与Sahelian降雨联接的上空大气动力学返回目录)

7. Dynamics is the branch of mechanics that studies forces and the movements they themselves produce. (翻译:动力学是力学的一个分支 主要研究物体自身的力和运动)

8. General Dynamics is prime contractor for the JTRS HMS program. (翻译:通用动力公司是JTRS HMS无线电的主承包商。)

9. Honneth, A. , "The Social Dynamics of Disrespect: Situating Critical Theory Today" (翻译:霍耐特:“歧视的社会动力学:今日批判理论定位”)

10. How do we deal with gender imbalances and power dynamics in the workplace? (翻译:我们如何处理职场中 的性别失衡和权力动态? )

11. The dynamics of ultrasonic transducer for thermosonic flip chip bonding is investigated. (翻译:研究了热超声倒装键合设备的核心执行机构——换能系统的动力学特性。)

12. But we think we got the dynamics right of the robot. (翻译:但是我想我们已经理解了这个机器人的动力装置。)

13. These progression dynamics are powerful and can be used in the real world. (翻译:这种进步的动机很强 可以在现实生活中使用。)

14. Modifying GDM to support keystroke dynamics. (翻译:修改GDM以支持击键力学。)

15. To investigate the effect of Hewei capsule (HWC) on gastric dynamics. (翻译:目的:探讨和胃胶囊对胃动力的影响。)



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