1. serialize data(序列化数据)
2. serialize an object(序列化对象)
3. serialize a class(序列化类)
1. The application needs to serialize the data before it can be sent over the network.(在数据被发送到网络之前,应用程序需要将其序列化。)
2. The serialized data can be easily stored and transported across different platforms.(序列化的数据可以很容易地存储和在不同平台之间传输。)
3. Java provides a built-in mechanism to serialize objects.(Java提供了内置的机制来序列化对象。)
4. The server can deserialize the message and process it.(服务器可以反序列化消息并进行处理。)
5. The serialized product codes can be used to track inventory.(序列化的产品代码可以用于跟踪库存。)
6. The serializer module is responsible for converting the Python objects to JSON format.(序列化器模块负责将Python对象转换为JSON格式。)
7. Serialization and deserialization are commonly used in data storage and transmission.(序列化和反序列化通常用于数据存储和传输。)
1. We use a library to serialize and deserialize data in our program.
2. The serializer will automatically serialize the object into JSON format.
序列化器会自动将对象序列化为 JSON 格式。
3. Before sending the data over the network, we need to serialize it.
例句:Serialize the data to XML. (将数据序列化为xml。)
例句:Rather than serializing the object, pull the data out of the object and put it into a dictionary. Then serialize the dictionary. (不要序列化对象本身,而是把数据从对象中提取出来,放到一个字典里,然后再序列化那个字典。)
例句:Likewise, when you serialize an object with an ObjectOutputStream, the closure of its graph of references serializes with it. (同样的,如果使用一个ObjectOutputStream序列化一个对象,该对象的引用链图的关闭状态同样会被序列化。)
4.连续化 、顺次出版
例句:Eventually, you're going to have to serialize data across the client-server connection. (翻译:最后,您不得不序列化整个客户机-服务器连接上的数据。)
1. Likewise, when you serialize an object with an ObjectOutputStream, the closure of its graph of references serializes with it. (翻译:同样的,如果使用一个ObjectOutputStream序列化一个对象,该对象的引用链图的关闭状态同样会被序列化。)
2. Eventually, you're going to have to serialize data across the client-server connection. (翻译:最后,您不得不序列化整个客户机-服务器连接上的数据。)
3. It is often desirable to serialize an object independent of any references that other objects may maintain to it . (翻译:通常期望序列化一个对象独立于其他对象可能维护的任何引用。)
4. Serialize the return values. (翻译:对返回值进行序列化。)
5. Based on the submarine missile launcher's operational requirements and improving the level of standardize, communalize, serialize and modularize, discussed the problem of common frame launcher. (翻译:从潜载导弹发射装置的作战需求和提高标准化、通用化、系列化、模块化这“四化”水平出发,探讨了发射装置共架问题。)
6. Indicates a serializer for the serialization manager to use to serialize the values of the type this attribute is applied to. (翻译:指示某个序列化管理器的序列化程序,它将用于序列化此属性所应用到的类型的值。)
7. Serialize the request parameters. (翻译:对请求参数进行序列化。)
8. Life magazine is prepared to offer $250,000 for worldwide exclusive rights to serialize the Howard Hughes story. (翻译:《生活》杂志准备开价二十五万 包括霍华德・休斯 系列故事的全球独家版权)
9. Function to serialize the variables and therefore cannot be used for complex variables by default . (翻译:函数将变量序列化,因此缺省情况下它不能用于复合变量。)
10. Could not serialize {0}. Default constructors are required for collections and enumerators. (翻译:未能序列化{0}。集合和枚举数需要默认构造函数。)
11. You use JDOM to serialize the message, as in Listing 23. (翻译:您需要使用JDOM系列化该消息,如清单23所示。)
12. We use the pickle module to serialize the data and put it into Memcache. (翻译:使用pickle模块序列化数据并将其放入Memcache中。)