词性:EBITDA是一个缩写词,全称为Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization。
1. The company reported EBITDA of $10 million for the year, marking a 15% increase from the previous year. (这家公司报告了年度EBITDA为1000万美元,比上xx年增长了15%。)
2. The analysts are closely watching the company's EBITDA margin, which has been declining steadily over the past few quarters. (分析师们密切关注着这家公司的EBITDA利润率,在过去几个季度中稳步下降。)
3. The private equity firm is interested in acquiring the company because of its strong EBITDA performance and growth potential. (这家私募股权公司有意收购这家公司,因为它具有强大的EBITDA表现和增长潜力。)
4. The CEO emphasized that the company's EBITDA is a more reliable indicator of its financial health than its net income. (首席执行官强调,公司的EBITDA比其净利润更可靠地反映了其财务状况。)
5. The board of directors approved a dividend payout based on the company's EBITDA for the fiscal year. (董事会根据公司本财年的EBITDA批准了一次红利派发。)
'EBiTDA'是英语单词 'Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization' 的缩写。直译为“利息、税收、折旧和摊销前收益”,是指在计算企业利润时,先扣除利息、税收、折旧和摊销之后得到的利润。
1. The company's EBiTDA increased by 20% compared to last year. (该公司的EBiTDA与去年相比增长了20%。)
2. When comparing two companies, it's important to look at their EBiTDA rather than just their net income. (比较两家公司时,重要的是看它们的EBiTDA,而不仅仅是净收益。)
3. The EBiTDA margin measures a company's ability to generate cash from its operations. (EBiTDA利润率衡量企业从运营中产生现金的能力。)
4. The bank uses EBiTDA to determine a company's ability to pay back loans. (银行使用EBiTDA来确定企业偿还贷款的能力。)
5. The EBiTDA multiple is often used in business valuations. (EBiTDA倍数常用于企业估值。)
6. The company's EBiTDA was negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. (该公司的EBiTDA受到COVID-19疫情的负面影响。)
7. Private equity firms use EBiTDA to evaluate potential acquisitions. (私募股权公司使用EBiTDA来评估潜在的收购。)
8. While EBiTDA is a useful metric, it should not be the only factor considered when evaluating a company's financial health. (虽然EBiTDA是一个有用的指标,但在评估公司财务状况时不应只考虑这个因素。)
9. The EBiTDA calculation involves adding back non-cash expenses such as depreciation and amortization to net income. (EBiTDA计算涉及将折旧和摊销等无现金费用加回净收益。)
中文翻译:调整后息税前利润(Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization)
1. The company's ebitda has increased by 20% compared to last year.
2. Investors often use ebitda as a key metric to evaluate a company's financial health.
例句:IFW: KN 's first- quarter results saw global ocean volumes up 17% year-on-year , but ebitda fell 4. 9%. How does that happen ? (第一季度KN的全球海运业务量同比增长17%,但税后净利润却下降4.9%,如何发生的。)
例句:The company's first-quarter Ebitda and revenue came in below market expectations. (该公司首季ebitda和收入低于市场预期。)
例句:- You even know what your EBITDA is? - My what? (- 你连你的EBITDA怎么样也知道吗?)
1. - You even know what your EBITDA is? - My what? (翻译:- 你连你的EBITDA怎么样也知道吗?)
2. We see EBITDA margins expanding and losses per share narrowing due to these actions. (翻译:考虑到这些措施,我们预料EBITDA利润率可望扩大,每股亏损将会收窄。)
3. EBITD is very similar to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA), but excludes amortization. (翻译:息税折旧前利润跟息税折旧摊销前利润很相似,前者不包括摊销费用。)
4. CNS's ebitda for 2010 is expected to be $200m, implying that MBK values the company at $2. 2bn. (翻译:预计中嘉网路xx年的EBITDA为2亿美元,意味着安博凯对该公司的估值为22亿美元。)
5. With net debt of $22bn, 3. 4 times ebitda, ArcelorMittal would be perilously close to the 3. 5 level that triggers debt covenants. (翻译:阿塞洛-米塔尔220亿美元的净债务相当于EBITDA的3.4倍,距离触发债务契约的3.5倍只有一步之遥。)
6. Others, like banking and financial services and health care, could realize carbon costs that amount to less than 1% of EBITDA. (翻译:其他如金融服务、医疗等部门的息税前利润将会减少低于1%的水平。)
7. But the fundamental problem with using ebitda as a gauge of profitability is that deprecation is typically a real cost. (翻译:但使用EBITDA衡量盈利能力的根本问题在于,折旧通常而言属于真实成本。)
8. Remember that EBITDA is similar to pre capex, pre working capital cash generation. (翻译:请记住,EBITDA类似于先期的资本性支出、先期的流动资本现金投入。)
9. Mr. Kinkabe had a question about the EBITDA. (翻译:Kinkabe先生有一个关于EBITDA的问题)
10. After two years of effort, the company will own generated from 8% to 14%. (翻译:在经过了两年的努力后,这家公司将自己的EBITDA从8%提高到了14%。)
11. Double ebitda margins to 40 per cent and a $5bn company is easily within reach. (翻译:将Ebitda利润率再翻一番至40%,50亿美元的公司估值很容易就能达到。)