1. 词义: Channing是一个人名,通常用作姓氏。
2. 词性: Channing是一个名词。
3. 词组搭配: 无
4. 短语: 无
5. 发音拼写: [ˈtʃænɪŋ]
1. Channing Tatum is a talented actor and dancer.(查宁·塔图姆是一位才华横溢的演员和舞者。)
2. Channing Frye was a key player for the Cleveland Cavaliers.(查宁·弗莱是克利夫兰骑士队的关键球员。)
3. Jenna Dewan and Channing Tatum were married for almost nine years.(詹娜·杜安和查宁·塔图姆结婚了近xx年。)
4. Channing is a unique and uncommon name.(查宁是一个独特而不常见的名字。)
5. Channing's parents named him after their favorite actor.(查宁的父母按照他们最喜欢的演员给他取名。)
channing的中文翻译为查宁(zhā níng)。
读音为: [ˈtʃænɪŋ]
1. Channing和他的团队在那个项目中做得非常出色。
Channing and his team did an excellent job on that project.
2. 他的名字是Channing,但他更喜欢被人叫做Chan。
His name is Channing, but he prefers to be called Chan.
例句:There's a message from the bartender. "Does Miss Channing know that she ordered domestic gin by mistake?" (酒保说钱宁小姐知道自己 选错了本国的琴酒吗?)
例句:Everything a playwright first thinks of wanting to write about, until his play becomes a vehicle for Miss Channing. (一个剧作家最想写的一切 直到他的作品 只为钱宁小姐量身定作之前)
1. Ladies and gentlemen, the annual Lake Channing Summer Regatta is underway! (翻译:女士们,先生们, 每年夏季帆船赛 湖钱宁是!)
:我不是故意打断你们... 是聊查宁塔图的食指吧)
3. Hi, I have a delivery for Caroline Channing from Martin Channing. (翻译:你好 这里有个快递 是Martin Channing Hi, I have a delivery for Caroline Channing 送给Caroline Channing的 from Martin Channing.)
4. Yo, what's up, Martin Channing? (翻译:唷 别来无恙啊 Martin Channing?)
5. There will be a complete inspection... of all your bags, Channing... so do not attempt... to take any of my clothing with you. (翻译:我们会仔细的检查 你所有的包 Chan 所以别企图)
6. There have been reports that Channing Frye of the Suns and Danilo Gallinari of the Knicks have been invited. (翻译:有报道称,太阳的钱宁·弗莱和尼克斯队的达尼罗-加里纳利已获邀请。)
7. Now, go to your room, Channing... and stay there until we summon you! (翻译:现在 回你自己的房间去Chan 老实呆着 直到我们召唤你!)
8. You won't get Channing back. She's probably dead already. (翻译:他不会放了Channing 搞不好她已经死了)
9. Margo: ", Miss Channing. " You can't rightly say we lost the war. We was more starve out, you might say. (翻译:玛歌:“嗨!好了,钱宁小姐。”你不能公正地说我们输了这场战争。你可以说,我们是因为饿得不行了。)
10. So do you know Caroline Channing? (翻译:- 你认识Caroline Channing吗?)
11. We can no longer employ you here at 3,900, Channing. (翻译:我们不能再以3900的价格雇佣你了Chan)
12. But I guess you couldn't help it, 'cause that's what you channings do, you steal things. (翻译:我想你是忍不住插手 你们Channing家的人 向来如此嘛 东偷西摸的!)
13. Suppose I had to go on one night to an audience that came to see Margo Channing. (翻译:但万一观众买票来看钱小姐 却看到我的演出呢?)
14. I call him Channing Tate-yum. (翻译:我叫他钱宁·舔舒服 I call him Channing Tate -yum.)
15. I just didn't want to scare you. (翻译:只是怕吓到你才没说而已 Channing小姐 你是否知道)