melancholia errabunda是什么意思 melancholia errabunda的中文翻译、读音、例句

melancholia errabunda是什么意思 melancholia errabunda的中文翻译、读音、例句

melancholia errabunda的意思是"迷走性忧郁病",在日常中也代表"迷走性忧郁病"的意思,单词读音音标为[melancholiaerrabunda],melancholia errabunda在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到27个与melancholia errabunda相关的例句。

Melancholia errabunda的翻译


例句:The Bund isn't very big. (外滩的面积不是很大。)


melancholia errabunda一般作为名词使用,如在melancholia(忧郁症 )、flatuous melancholia([医] [肠胃]气胀性忧郁症)、involutional melancholia([医] 衰老期忧郁症, 更年期忧郁症)等常见短语中出现较多。

flatuous melancholia[医] [肠胃]气胀性忧郁症
involutional melancholia[医] 衰老期忧郁症, 更年期忧郁症
melancholia activa主动性忧郁病
melancholia attonica无动性忧郁病,木讷性忧郁病
melancholia attonita[医] 迟钝性忧郁症, 木僵性忧郁症
melancholia hypochondriaca[医] 疑病性忧郁症
melancholia hypochondrica疑病性忧郁病
melancholia menstrualis[医] [月]经期忧郁症


1. In the. Err file, the first unsupported character occurs on line 54, bte offset 22. (翻译:文件里面有不支持字符。打开不是说第54行了么。)

2. They may be wise to err on the side of caution. (翻译:他们宁可失之过于谨慎也不冒风险也许是明智的。)

3. To ERR is human; to forgive, divine, was the pithy view of Alexander Pope. (翻译:是人就会犯错,是神就会宽恕,这是亚历山大·蒲柏观点的精髓。)

4. Early risers perform traditional morning exercises on the Bund, Shanghai's famous riverfront boulevard. (翻译:早起的人们在外滩进行传统的晨练活动,外滩是上海著名的河边大街。)

5. Remember what he did at the bund meeting in Paterson, Russ? (翻译:临疠眔疭此 幅穦某暗ぐ或霉吹)

6. I haven't visited the Bund either. (翻译:我也没去过外滩。)

7. Good men in Shanghai Bund always finish last. (翻译:在上海滩好人就跟公车一样 谁都可以上,谁都可以坐)

8. Err, Kaitlyn, she... she texted me. (翻译:嗯,凯特林, 她... ... 她发短信给我。)

9. To err is human... (翻译:犯错人皆难免… )

10. Despite its green pretensions, Stuttgart 21 will not move traffic from road to rail, says Gerhard Pfeifer of BUND, a pressure group. (翻译:“尽管它具有环保主张的意义,但斯图加特21项目不会使公路运输转到铁路上来。”来自压力集团BUND的GerhardPfeifer说。)

11. The Bund Tourist Tunnel connects two best attractions of Shanghai: The Bund and Lu Jia Zui. (翻译:外滩观光隧道连接上海两个最主要景观:外滩和陆家嘴。)

12. ♪ To err is human, to forgive divine ♪ (翻译:*孰人无过 宽恕为圣* *To err is human, to forgive divine*)

13. Now Woolsey was subjected to a black-suit squeeze, and declarer did not err in the play. (翻译:现在,乌尔希陷于黑花色的紧逼之下,庄家在这种打法上不会犯错误。)

14. He might, err... might be what you need. (翻译:他可能,呃... ... 可能是你所需要的。)

15. So then, excha... interchangeably, at a certain point, the... the Bund leader, at a certain point, the Zionist leader... (翻译:他们想要做什么? 我要传达怎样的信息? 他们给了我很多信息)

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