mezasulfamid是什么意思 mezasulfamid的中文翻译、读音、例句

mezasulfamid是什么意思 mezasulfamid的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:*Ulf is into mime, Attila's cupcakes are sublime.* (*尔夫想演哑剧 阿提拉的杯子蛋糕棒极了*)





1. Application of ULF Geological Remote Sensing Device in Gas Detection (翻译:超低频地质遥感探测装置在瓦斯气探测中的应用)

2. Mr Perczel came up with the idea under the guidance of Professor Ulf Leonhardt. (翻译:派采尔正是在里奥·哈茨教授的指导下提出了他的构想。)

3. A shrimp the size of a staple swims amid dark brown globules of oil. (翻译:一只仅有订书钉大小的小虾在深褐色油滴的包围中游动。)

4. There was something to celebrate about amid the dismal environment on rocky Patmos. (翻译:在多岩的拔摩岛凄凉的环境中,原来也有值得庆祝的事。)

5. Amid threats of a no-confidence vote, Mr Brancher went to court. (翻译:在一片不信任投票的威胁声中,布兰·凯尔通过法院宣布辞职。)

6. They had lived amid dirt and foulness. (翻译:他们曾生活在尘垢与肮脏之中。)

7. Dr Gina Gomez, from the National Autistic Society, said research into fragile X syndrome could help understanding of certain aspects of autism. (翻译:全国自闭症协会的 Gina Gómez 博士认为对于脆性 X 综合症的研究有助于理解自闭症的某些方面。)

8. Mr Perczel came up with the idea under the guidance of Professor Ulf Leonhardt. (翻译:派采尔正是在里奥哈茨教授的指导下提出了他的构想。)

9. In turn, these ULF waves were found to effectively accelerate the seed electrons provided by the first step, to become killer electrons. (翻译:结果是,人们发现ULF波在第一步有效加速了种子电子,使其变为致命的电子。)

10. He came on stage amid clapping and cheering. (翻译:他在掌声和欢呼声中走上舞台。)

11. You couldn't have gone on living amid this trompe-l'œil architecture, amid these mirrors and columns, amid these doors always ajar, these oversized staircases, in this always-open bedroom. (翻译:你不再继续 生活在这些古老的建筑中 这些镜子和圆柱中)

12. Amid the truculence and turmoil around it, Germany appears an oasis of tranquillity. (翻译:周围国家争议混乱不断,而德国却独善其身,就像一片绿洲一样宁静安谧。)

13. He finished his speech amid tremendous applause. (翻译:他在雷鸣般的掌声中结束了演讲。)

14. Later on, reporter cover several dicast amid the mountain south road. (翻译:随后,记者在中山南路采访多位市民。)

15. Ulf Mark Schneider, the chief executive of Fresenius, attributes his company's success to the fact that it plays to traditional German strengths. (翻译:费森尤斯首席执行官ulf Mark Schneider把该公司成功的原因归结为它们在扮演的是德国的传统优势。)

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