microglioblast是什么意思 microglioblast的中文翻译、读音、例句

microglioblast是什么意思 microglioblast的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Lawyers think in terms of the macro, artists the micro. (律师注重宏观 艺术家注重细节 我明白了 那这次细节又体现在那儿)


1. Research on micro-meso-scopic properties of BTS. (翻译:轻质混合土微细观特征的研究。)

2. We identified a liquid submersion sensor in the Pre, visible through the micro USB port. (翻译:我们在Pre内发现了一个液体潜水传感器,通过micro USB接口可见。)

3. Study of processing MFB with wood micro-fiber (翻译:微米级薄片木纤维高强度人造板制造工艺的试验研究)

4. In this dissertation, only the piezoelectric bimorph micro-actuator and valveless piezoelectric micro pump are introduced. (翻译:本文的研究重点是压电双晶梁微驱动器和无阀压电微泵。)

5. Micro particle sizes are as the smoke particles. (翻译:颗粒都是微米级的 火产生的烟基本上就是微米级的)

6. Saline meadow soil distributed in the micro basin, and sodic alkaline soil in micro slope or micro flat. (翻译:盐化草甸土分布在相对低洼的部位,苏打碱土分布在微坡地和高平地。)

7. No watermarking your Franklin. (翻译:没有富兰克林的水印 没有微印刷 No watermarking of Franklin, no micro)

8. Micro-bursts of calm for Mr. Bauer. (翻译:看到Bauer先生时 他们的微表情是平静)

9. If you are in the corporate sector, you love micro-credit. (翻译:如果你为企业部门工作,你会偏爱小额贷款 )

10. Micro-repeater implanting sequence complete! (翻译:-repeater implanting sequence complete! 如您所愿 先生 我还准备了 As you wish, sir.)

11. They want to move from micro to medium and beyond. (翻译:她们想从微小晋升到中等再晋升到更高水平。)

12. Belgorodskaya oblast governor, said the festival does not match with the Russian cultural tradition, there are also banned Halloween. (翻译:别尔哥罗德州州长称,这一节日与俄罗斯文化传统不符,同样被禁止的还有万圣节。)

13. This small resistance is normally measured with a DMM or a micro - ohmmeter. (翻译:这个小的电阻值通常用数字多用表或者微欧姆计来测量。)

14. And on a micro level: if you're a human being, donate. (翻译:具体点来说: 如果你是一个人类, 去捐赠吧。)

15. Which surprisingly exceeded the original micro power by ten times! (翻译:很奇怪,它的微波威力 比原来的设计大了差不多十倍)

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