midcervical是什么意思 midcervical的中文翻译、读音、例句

midcervical是什么意思 midcervical的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:You got some battle rolls... some mid air stalls? (能不能空翻 或是空中熄火 You got some battle rolls... some mid air stalls?)





1. MID isn't exactly falling over itself to fill us in, but we understand interrogation is his specialty and would you believe it? (翻译:MID将不会信口开河。我们知道, 审讯是他们的专长。你相信吗?)

2. A postoperative semirigid cervical collar was prescribed for 2 months. (翻译:手术后嘱患者2个月内戴半刚性的颈托。)

3. Crime report says it was... mid 70s, clear skies. (翻译:案件报告上说... Crime report says it was... 25摄氏度 天气晴朗 mid 70s, clear skies.)

4. Six cases of cervical polypus were removed once time and 16 cases of cervical adenocele were all healed in 8 weeks. (翻译:宫颈息肉6例全部一次性治愈,16例宫颈腺囊肿8周内全部治愈。)

5. That puts you mid-cycle, not starting a new one. (翻译:这样你是在生理期中期 不是开头啊 That puts you mid -cycle, not starting a new one.)

6. Seen talking to a backpacker with light brown hair, mid-20s. (翻译:那个背包客头发是浅棕色的 xx岁左右 Seen talking to a backpacker with light brown hairs, mid)

7. Cervical Traction and cervical nerve root novocaine block were mainly used to treat cervical spondylosis and th syndrome. (翻译:临床治疗中用颈椎卧位牵引为主。甲基强的松龙局封前斜角肌及颈神经根。)

8. MID810 ldined onr this year in the U. S. somedChina to stcraft selling. (翻译:MID810将于本年下半年在美国和中国市场起头出售。)

9. Temperatures expected to reach the mid-60s. (翻译:今日气温最高15摄氏度 Temperatures expected to reach the mid)

10. Wobbler disease is also known as cervical vertebral instability, cervical spondylomyelopathy, and cervical vertebral malformation. (翻译:摇摆病也称为颈椎不稳,脊髓性颈椎病和颈椎畸形。)

11. Comparative study on proteomes between human cervical carcinoma tissue and normal cervical tissues (翻译:人宫颈癌组织及癌旁正常组织蛋白质组的比较研究)

12. The cervical smear test is a lifesaver. (翻译:宫颈涂片检查是健康救星。)

13. Catches explosions mid-air. (翻译:可在半空拦截弹药 Catches explosions mid -air.)

14. Traumatic high paraplegia is the most serious damage of cervical spinal cord caused by fracture, dislocation of cervical spine, or the sclerites press and injure the spinal cord. (翻译:创伤性高位截瘫是颈椎骨折、移位、骨片压迫损伤脊髓所致的最严重的颈髓损伤。)

15. Mid-July, as soon as I get back. (翻译:xx月中旬 我一回去就该生了 Mid -July, as soon as I get back.)

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