matted materials是什么意思 matted materials的中文翻译、读音、例句

matted materials是什么意思 matted materials的中文翻译、读音、例句

matted materials在中文中有"草垫制品"的意思,还经常被翻译为草垫制品,发音音标为[mattedmaterials],matted materials是一个英语名词,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到94个与matted materials相关的例句。

Matted materials的翻译


例句:She had matted hair and torn, dusty clothes. (她蓬头乱发,衣衫褴褛。)


matted materials一般作为名词使用,如在matted(a. 铺席子的, 织结的, 纠缠的, 暗淡的)、matted crystal(雏晶)、matted crytal(雏晶)等常见短语中出现较多。

matteda. 铺席子的, 织结的, 纠缠的, 暗淡的
matted crystal雏晶
matted crytal雏晶
matted curd(切后)表面(粒子)粗糙的凝块
matted finish无光的毛面;闷火处理
matted frame有衬底的画框
matted glass[网络] 磨砂玻璃;毛面玻璃
matted mor编织状粗腐殖质
matted vegetation铺地植被


1. Asiatic tree fern having dense matted hairs sometimes used as a styptic. (翻译:亚洲一种树冠茂密的树蕨,有时用于止血。)

2. His hair is matted, his clothes are tattered and mysteriously he is often covered in white chalk. (翻译:他的头发乱缠在一起,衣衫褴褛,而很奇怪的是,他身上还常有白粉笔道。)

3. They're starting to invest in materials science, but these are the new things in materials science. (翻译:他们正希望在材料科学方面进行投资 们见到了这类新的材料科学 )

4. Then pinks and gilliflowers, especially the matted pink and clove gilliflower. (翻译:然后就是各种的石竹和紫罗兰,尤其是花坛石竹和丁香石竹。)

5. At the first outset, heavy, miry ground and a matted, marish vegetation, greatly delayed our progress; (翻译:一开始,泥泞难走的地面和乱蓬蓬的沼泽植物大大地耽误了我们赶路。)

6. small craft - hull construction and scantlings - part 2 : materials : core materials for sandwich construction , embedded materials. (翻译:小艇。船体结构和尺寸。第2部分:材料:夹芯结构用芯材料,嵌入材料。)

7. He turned swiftly tosee standing beside him an ancient man in the garb of a hermit with long matted hair and tangled beard (翻译:他赶紧转过身,看见旁边站着一位古时候的人,归隐者装束,头发又长又乱,胡子也蓬成一团。)

8. Spirits cabined and confined by winter expanded like matted cotton wadding fluffed out again. (翻译:被冬天枷锁了的灵魂,和被束掩的棉花一样舒展开来。)

9. These are highly volatile materials. (翻译:这些是极易挥发的材质 These are highly volatile materials. 这...)

10. but the day was warm, and the cheese melted, and some of it dropped off along the way and the rest was matted in his hair. (翻译:可是因为天气暖和,干酪全都融化了,一部分沿途滴到路上,其余的滴到他头上,缠住了他的头发。)

11. business,design,environment,green,materials,poetry,sustainability,technology (翻译:business,design,environment,green,materials,poetry,sustainability,technology)

12. The puppies were so young their fur was matted and wet; they yelped with fear as I picked them up off the road. (翻译:那些小狗崽是那么小,毛都湿湿地贴在身上。我把小狗捡起从路上移开,它们害怕地叫了起来。)

13. Testing of carbon materials - Determination of density with liquid pycnometer - Binding and impregnating materials (翻译:炭素材料检验.用液体比重计测定密度.粘结剂与浸渍剂)

14. They're starting to invest in materials science, but these are the new things in materials science. (翻译:他们正希望在材料科学方面进行投资 们见到了这类新的材料科学)

15. And unarmed, given the volatile nature of the materials inside. (翻译:还不能带枪 And unarmed, 因为里面的物质太不稳定了 given the volatile nature of the materials inside.)

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