例句:On the back of the read kamikaze suit, is a golden rising dragon embroidered by the legendary M.R. (红色特攻服的背后 由传说中的刺绣屋“M? R” 绣着一条金色的升龙)
1. Well, you see, my company is in the enviable position of being the sole manufacturer of M.R.D. (翻译:好,你看,我的公司处于令人羡慕的地位 可以独家制造M. R.)
2. An M.R.I. would give us a better idea-- Oh, an M.R.I. Come on. (翻译:-等磁共振成像的结果出来以后- -Oh,又是磁共振成像.)
3. - You want us to look for hypercortisolism with an M.R.I.? (翻译:- 你要我们用核磁共振来找皮质醇激素 ?)
4. - There's a two-day wait for nonemergency M.R.I.'s. - She's getting an M.R.I! (翻译:非急症的核磁共振要等两天了 她去做核磁共振!)
5. As I'm sure you all know, our internal review with M r. (翻译:想必你们知道 27号Belmont先生的内部会议)
6. SWF, 30s, n/s iso SM, BB for RM? (翻译:SWF,xx岁,N / S ... ...的LSO SM,R&M的B&B吗?)
7. I'm going to the E.R. then I'm booking a flight out of here. (翻译:我要去急诊室看看 然后订一张离开这儿的机票)
8. I'm on the verge of reestablishing the bond that R and I had. (翻译:再努力一下 我想,你最后会发现 R跟我们想的一样)
9. You gotta pick one, son. Everything points to A.L.S. Then no M.R.I. (翻译:你同意哪一边,孩子. 根本不需要磁共振.)
10. Do you know an embroiderer called M.R in Daikanyama? (翻译:代官山有个叫“M? R”的刺绣屋 你知不知道?)
11. - So am I. Humerus. H-U-M-E-R-U-S. (翻译:humerus,H U M E R U S)
12. We've only got In the Mood and An American Patrol on 78 r.p.m. (翻译:我们只有在心情好的时候和在 78 r. p. m.)
13. And get an M.R.I. He already got one, and an M.R.A. (翻译:-做磁共振成像 -他已经有一份了,还有血管造影.)
14. The RPM pipes have superiority over UPVC pipes through the comparison study. (翻译:通过对r PM管和UPVC管的比较研究,得出RP M管有更大的优越性。)
15. I didn't quite catch his surname—was it Morn-M-O-R-N? (翻译:我没听清楚他姓什么——是 Morn——M-O-R-N 吗? )