例句:I wanna look her in the eye. (I wanna look her in the eye.)
例句:I widowed her the day I married her. (妻子在结婚当日 变成寡妇 I widowed her the day I married her.)
例句:I really gotta talk to her. (I... I really gotta talk to her.)
mawheraiti一般作为名词使用,如在Mawheraiti([地名] 马费赖蒂 ( 新西 ))等常见短语中出现较多。
Mawheraiti | [地名] 马费赖蒂 ( 新西 ) |
1. I really gotta talk to her. (翻译:I... I really gotta talk to her.)
2. - Going to her death, I fear. (翻译:- Going to her death, I fear.)
3. - Yeah, I need you to stop her. (翻译:I need you to stop her.)
4. Moved by some mysterious animal instinct, she gently took the baby in her maw and raised him as her own. (翻译:受到神秘的动物本能的影响,它将这个孩子当做自己的孩子养大。)
5. Witches' mummy maw and gulf. (翻译:女巫干尸貌狰狞。)
6. I can believe anything of her. (翻译:I can believe anything of her.)
7. Kaitlin, I swear to God, I never touched her. (翻译:I never touched her.)
8. - That nun, I saw her at Roscrea. (翻译:I saw her at Roscrea.)
9. I'm her father, I know her pretty well. (翻译:I know her pretty well.)
10. But I never wanted to kill her. (翻译:but I never wanted to kill her.)
11. I have to get in her face. (翻译:I have to get in her face.)
12. -I am responsible for her. (翻译:-I am responsible for her.)
13. I went in to watch it with her. (翻译:I went in to watch it with her.)
14. Uh, yeah, I s-- I saw her around. (翻译:- - I saw her around.)
15. I know what she's capable of, Dean. (翻译:Dean - - I wrote her.)