mawkin是什么意思 mawkin的中文翻译、读音、例句

mawkin是什么意思 mawkin的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:You will write the details of your next of kin on that bag. (你们还要在那个袋子上写下亲人的详细信息 You will write the details of your next of kin on that bag.)


1. ...will not release the names of the dead until notification of next of kin. (翻译:亲爱的 ...得到死者亲属辨认后 才公布死者身份)

2. Once I gets this body up to his kin in Winchester... ,.. (翻译:一旦我把他的尸体送到他在温彻斯特的亲属那)

3. Yuen may not be a kin... but we grew up with him (翻译:虽然不是亲兄弟 阿远始终跟我们从小玩到大)

4. Back to defend their championship title, make some noise for Kin Dreadz! (翻译:欢呼声送给为捍卫王位而战斗的Kin Dreadz!)

5. It floats before you a bulbous body with a central unblinking eye and a large maw filled with daggerlike teeth. (翻译:它在你面前飘浮着,球根状的身体上有一只位于中央一眨不眨的眼睛,一张尖牙利齿的血盆大口。)

6. If Kin became the boss, you, me, the entire gang will be over. (翻译:如果子健做了“坐馆”,你、我... 整个社团全完蛋)

7. That child is out there, Kel, with no da, no kin belonging to it. (翻译:孩子现在没人管,Kel 没有父亲,没有家庭)

8. It became apparent that Japanese promises of independence were merely a sham and that Ba Maw was just a puppet. (翻译:很明显日本所承诺的缅甸的独立仅是一个幌子,巴莫只是一个傀儡。)

9. My Mee-Maw was taking a nap, and after a while Siri started repeating her answers. (翻译:我奶奶在午睡 My Mee -Maw was taking a nap, 我吐槽了一会儿 连Siri都开始给重复答案了 and after a while Siri started repeating her answers.)

10. Better be blamed by our kith and kin than be kissed by the enemy. (翻译:宁可让亲人责备,切勿让敌人亲吻。)

11. Decken's sifaka, Madagascar: a Decken's sifaka peers out from a jagged stone maw. (翻译:马达加斯加:德肯狐猴,一只德肯狐猴从一处锯齿状的石头缺口处向外窥视。)

12. His mother was kin with Governor Carlin. (翻译:下午3点30分,华盛顿海军船坞 他母亲是州长卡林的亲戚)

13. The form must be signed by next of kin. (翻译:这表格必须由最近亲签字。)

14. It floats before you, a bulbous body with a central, unblinking eye, and a large maw filled with daggerlike teeth. (翻译:它在你面前飘浮着,球根状的身体上有一只位于中央一眨不眨的眼睛,一张尖牙利齿的血盆大口。)

15. "was followed by the immediate extinction of their less evolved kin." (翻译:随之而来的是其低级同类 也就是尼安德特人的迅速灭亡)

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