mitrajavine是什么意思 mitrajavine的中文翻译、读音、例句

mitrajavine是什么意思 mitrajavine的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Look at this. - Look at the numbers beside the date. Yeah. (【MIT海斯塔克天文台 】 【马萨诸塞州西福特】)


1. Here at Raja Ampat in Indonesia, land appeared when the ocean retreated two billion years ago. (翻译:这里是印尼的四王群岛 20亿年前,海水消退,露出陆地)

2. They shall lament for the teats, for the pleasant fields, for the fruitful vine. (翻译:他们必为美好的田地,和多结果的葡萄树,捶胸哀哭。)

3. Diary? An MIT student keeps a diary? (翻译:日记 ? 一个 MIT 学生 会保持写日记? )

4. Created by macerating selected white peach varieties, including the vine peach; (翻译:创造由浸软的选择的白色桃子品种,包括藤桃子; )

5. "The Raja Piyadasi, beloved of the Gods, says this. " (翻译:Sthapathy正在塑造的雕像的每一个部分 都充满了意义)

6. This is a scientist at MIT named Michael Hecht. (翻译:这位在MIT的科学家 叫做迈克尔·赫克特。)

7. The easiest way to propagate a vine is to take hardwood cuttings. (翻译:繁殖葡萄藤最容易的办法就是采取硬木扦插。)

8. Leaving MIT was necessary so that MIT would not be able to interfere with distributing GNU as free software. (翻译:离开MIT是必要的,这样可以使MIT无法干涉将GNU作为自由软件发布。)

9. It was the last leaf on the vine. (翻译:这是藤蔓上最后的一片叶子。)

10. I'm at MIT, at MIT you need to apply whatever basic knowledge you gain. (翻译:麻省理工大学正在研究的课题,这里 需要应用任何你学到的基础知识)

11. Jade vine is cultivated in Hawaii for the flowers which are used in leis. (翻译:在夏威夷绿玉藤是被用来做花环而种植的。)

12. We've stressed people out at MIT every way imaginable. (翻译:“我们在 MIT 给人们 各种可以想象到的压力。)

13. Thank you for your consideration, MIT. (翻译:麻省理工大学 谢谢你们考虑我的申请 Thank you for your consideration, MIT.)

14. A vine wraps round a big tree. (翻译:一根藤绕在一棵大树上。)

15. Larry Hardesty, MIT News Office (翻译:拉里·哈狄斯提,麻省理工学院新闻办公室 )

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