mitsumata是什么意思 mitsumata的中文翻译、读音、例句

mitsumata是什么意思 mitsumata的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Some lectures were delivered at NUS, and video-tasted live to MIT. (另有部分课程在NUS讲授,也以视讯将实况传送至MIT。)

例句:Fahrt dein Auto mit Diesel oder Benzin? (你的车用柴油还是汽油? )


例句:Look at this. - Look at the numbers beside the date. Yeah. (【MIT海斯塔克天文台 】 【马萨诸塞州西福特】)


例句:Fortunately, FOAF's creators have come up with an alternative, the mbox_sha1sum property. (翻译:幸运的是,FOAF的创建者提出了一个替代项mbox_sha1sum特性。)


1. Look at this. - Look at the numbers beside the date. Yeah. (翻译:【MIT海斯塔克天文台 】 【马萨诸塞州西福特】)

2. Fortunately, FOAF's creators have come up with an alternative, the mbox_sha1sum property. (翻译:幸运的是,FOAF的创建者提出了一个替代项mbox_sha1sum特性。)

3. He was paid an undisclosed sum. (翻译:他得到了一笔数目不详的钱。)

4. Because MIT believes in bold risk takers. (翻译:因为麻省理工大学相信冒险的人 Because MIT believes in bold risk takers.)

5. Larry Hardesty works at MIT News Office. (翻译:拉里·哈狄斯提,在麻省理工学院新闻办公室工作。)

6. proper labeling; bandwidth sum; cyclic bandwidth sum; complete bipartite graph; tree. (翻译:正当标号;带宽和;循环带宽和;完全双分图;树。)

7. And he owes me a great sum of money... (翻译:他欠我一大笔钱 And he owes me a great sum of money...)

8. Diary? An MIT student keeps a diary? (翻译:日记 ? 一个 MIT 学生 会保持写日记? )

9. The sum of 7 and 12 is 19. (翻译:7加12的和是19。)

10. But the full sum of me is sum of something which, to term in gross, (翻译:但是我的全部 大概是由这样 一些东西构成的)

11. So I kind of switched. I went to MIT, finished. (翻译:这是个比较重要的转变 我去了MIT 念完了)

12. She met Rapoport and me at an MIT gym. (翻译:她在麻省理工学院体育馆与拉波波特和我相遇。)

13. railroads... sushi...dim sum. (翻译:铁路 寿司 点心 {\3cH202020}railroads... sushi... dim sum.)

14. Increase the level to 200 gauss. (翻译:﹣增大到200高斯 ﹣Ita, modo eum collocutus sum.)

15. The sum was paid ex gratia. (翻译:这是所付的一笔特惠款。)

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