mixed planting是什么意思 mixed planting的中文翻译、读音、例句

mixed planting是什么意思 mixed planting的中文翻译、读音、例句

mixed planting的意思是"混合种植",作为名词时有"混合种植"的意思,读音为[mixedplanting],mixed planting来源于英语,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到47个与mixed planting相关的句子。

Mixed planting的中文翻译


例句:What are you mixed up in, Lester? (你惹上了什么事 莱斯特 What are you mixed up in, Lester?)


mixed planting一般作为名词使用,如在planting(n. 种植, 栽培, 播种, 人工林, 花圃, 苗圃)、mixed in(混合;相处)、mixed with([网络] 混合着;加入;使混合)等常见短语中出现较多。

plantingn. 种植, 栽培, 播种, 人工林, 花圃, 苗圃
mixed in混合;相处
mixed with[网络] 混合着;加入;使混合
early planting早播
edge planting边缘种植
ditch planting壕沟栽植;濠沟栽植
drill planting畦植
excess planting超量播种
experimental planting试验栽培


1. No more mixed messages from an old king to his people. (翻译:再也不用更改老皇帝的诏书了 No more mixed messages from an old king to his people.)

2. With a dormant alien gene mixed into their dna. (翻译:他们的基因里有显性的外星基因 with a dormant alien gene mixed into their DNA.)

3. Our objective was to be the planting of our banner on the building itself. (翻译:我们的目标是要把我们的旗帜插到这幢建筑上 我们有一组人)

4. Chinese music could be mixed in with Eastern European music mixed in with orchestral music. (翻译:这就是为什么一直以来都不是你负责 布里 你没有从整体着眼 零件是垃圾 我正是那样说的)

5. But if they were together planting trees for the environment, it was okay -- creativity. (翻译:但如果人们为环境保护共同种树, 那就是 创新性的工作。)

6. Why did you get mixed up in this? (翻译:为什么你要卷进此事 Why did you get mixed up in this?)

7. Foururadol was never to be mixed (翻译:{\fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1}Foururadol药从来都不能和)

8. The Tree Council promotes tree planting. (翻译:林木委员会倡导植树造林。)

9. And sometimes I get the pedals mixed up. (翻译:有时候我会把刹车和油门搞混 And sometimes I get the pedals mixed up.)

10. - I mixed up Georgia the state with... (翻译:-不是吧 {\3cH202020} - I mixed up Georgia the state with... - No.)

11. I am gonna finish planting the garden with half the kids. (翻译:我先带着一半的孩子去花园种花 I am gonna finish planting the garden with half the kids.)

12. In addition to planting killers in your life And secretly working for a government agency (翻译:除了在你们身边安插了杀手 和秘密为国家机构工作之外)

13. Influence of Planting Maize and Fallowing on Soil Moisture and Mineral Nitrogen (翻译:种植玉米与休闲对土壤水分和矿质态氮的影响)

14. Guy was just planting a bug on him. (翻译:他只是在他身上放了个窃听器 {\fn微软雅黑\b0\fs14\3cH000000\shad1}Guy was just planting a bug on him.)

15. The concrete was ready mixed. (翻译:混凝土是搅拌好的。)

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