mlange是什么意思 mlange的中文翻译、读音、例句

mlange是什么意思 mlange的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:- M's castle to Control. - M's name is McTarry. (M城堡呼叫管制站 M的姓是麦克利 以麦克利来称呼)

例句:The idea that the Lange killer was still out there. (说杀害Lange的真凶还逍遥法外 The idea that the Lange killer was still out there.)


1. And they want to see what we have on the Lange case. (翻译:他们想知道关于Lange案子 我们有什么进展 And they want to see what we have on the Lange case.)

2. Dora Lange said the Yellow King. (翻译:Dora Lange也说过 Dora Lange said the Yellow King.)

3. Whatever you can tell us about, you know, from when he got on the Lange killer, up to when you two had your altercation. (翻译:告诉我们你所知道的一切 Whatever you can tell us about, you know, 从他找到杀害Lange的凶手 from when he got on the Lange killer, 到你们两个产生矛盾 up to when you two had your altercation.)

4. This is Detective Tom Lange from the Los Angeles Police Department. (翻译:我是警探汤姆·兰格 This is detective tom lange 洛杉矶警局的警察 From the los angeles police department.)

5. - [Turing] M___ [birds chirping] (翻译:- [琼] M ... - [图灵] M___ [鸟儿的鸣叫])

6. Henrietta Lange has repeatedly acted outside of her role as manager of operations for the Office of Special Projects. (翻译:Henrietta Lange 多次做出超于她作为特别任务处 行动指挥官职务范围之外的行为)

7. Woman # 3: Or an "M" and a "W". Man: An "M" and a "W", exactly. (翻译:女士3:或者“M”和“W”。男士:“M”和“W”,没错。)

8. Your victim was Dora Lange, but you all checked on Marie Fontenot. (翻译:死者是朵拉·兰 但你们都在调查玛丽·方特诺特)

9. Or maybe I have the same initials, M.M., as someone else. (翻译:或者M. M. 这个简写重名了 他可以别人 例如...)

10. Did a bid for manufacturing meth and LSD, which fits the tox screen for Lange. (翻译:曾因制造病毒和迷幻剂坐牢 这符合对Lange的验尸报告 Did a bid for manufacturing meth and LSD, which fits the tox screen for Lange.)

11. Bust: 110 cm Height: 1.72 m (翻译:胸围: 110 cm 身高: 1.72 m)

12. Woman # 3: Or an "M" and a "W". Man: An "M" and a "W", exactly. (翻译:女士3:或者“M”和“W”。男士:“M”和“W”,没错。)

13. I have strict orders to accompany you all the way to the gate, Ms. Lange. (翻译:上头严格命令我 把您一路送到登机口 Lange女士)

14. Richie Aprile, Ralphie m.I.A.; (翻译:Richie - Aprile Ralphie - M.)

15. Nebulas include Messier objects M8, M16, M20, as well as the Pipe and Cat's Paw nebulas. (翻译:星云有梅西耶天体M8、M16、M20,还包括烟斗星云和毛掌星云。)

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