miyadaiku是什么意思 miyadaiku的中文翻译、读音、例句

miyadaiku是什么意思 miyadaiku的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Dai Li would be the SACO director, Miles his deputy. (戴笠会是中美合作所的指挥,迈尔斯为其副手。)


例句:If anyone knows the information about this boy named Kung Ku. (警方呼吁,任何人士知道 这个名叫巩固的男童的资料)


1. Finite Element Analysis of DAI Animal Model Caused by Nonimpact with Half Bound Head in Cats (翻译:猫头半约束非撞击致伤DAI动物模型的有限元分析)

2. D5 Tour Botanic Garden, exchanging ideas in Dai village Buddhistic Tample, fly to Kunming at night, lodge in Kunming. (翻译:D5游植物园、傣族村寨佛寺交流、学傣语、写傣文,晚飞昆明。住昆明。)

3. Anno asked me, "Miya-san, don't you have experience difficulty?" then I said, "no." (翻译:庵野问过我:“宫崎骏,你没有经历过困难吗?” )

4. On November 4th, around 4:30 P.M., the Vice Commissioner Yoshida Toshiaki's residence at Minato-ku, Mitsukoshi-Dai, there was a call about the capture of the Vice Commissioner Yoshida. (翻译:xx月xx日下午3时30分,收到绑匪电话 说是在官邸前绑走的副总监)

5. It's called Cao Dai and it was invented by a civil servant in 1926. (翻译:这种宗教叫做 高台教。由一位公务员于xx年创立。)

6. Application of Ku-band Up-conversion with OPLL in VSAT Communication System (翻译:Ku波段锁相上变频技术在VSAT通信系统中的应用)

7. I know a Miya, but not the famous one. (翻译:我认识一个叫米娅的,但不是有名气的那一个。)

8. Nice to meet you, Mr Dai. (翻译:戴先生,很高兴认识你。)

9. Sui Dai is one of regnant and brief unified reigns on the history. (翻译:隋代是历史上统治短暂的统一王朝之一。)

10. Miya-san drew the additional 10 minutes of story boards in a hurry. (翻译:宫崎老师很快就画好了新加的10分钟分镜。)

11. I'm going to tell Rukhsar that I liked her Ashfaque miya. (翻译:我得去告诉Rukhsar我喜欢她的Ashfaque miya.)

12. A man has fallen and died at KUAI no Kai in Kamata, Ota-ku. (翻译:在大田区蒲田的宗教法人苦爱会 有男子坠亡 有他杀可能性)

13. ru i no ku ma su ha su ne wa o shi o da ze bo i ni ji ha ku ma e (翻译:录依之六枯马 斯哈斯纳瓦鸥 式鸥达智波伊)

14. Dai Wangshu was a famous poet and translator in China. (翻译:戴望舒是中国现代著名诗人、译作家。)

15. Dai: What have you gained from Sakya? (翻译:戴卓群:你通过做《萨迦》有什么新收获? )

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