mock duck是什么意思 mock duck的中文翻译、读音、例句

mock duck是什么意思 mock duck的中文翻译、读音、例句

mock duck的意思是"西菜中用羊肩肉等做的、充鸭",其中文解释还有"假鸭"的意思,发音是[mockduck],mock duck是一个英语名词,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到53个与mock duck相关的例句。

Mock duck的中文翻译


例句:Oh, and the pressed duck is superb. (and the pressed duck is superb.)


例句:So a duck walks into a bar, right? (一只鸭子走进了酒吧 So a duck walks into a bar, right?)


例句:The kind of woman I used to mock. (那种我曾经嘲笑的女人。The kind of woman I used to mock.)


mock duck一般作为名词使用,如在mock(嘲笑 )、mock at(取笑, 嘲弄)、duck(鸭子 )等常见短语中出现较多。

mock at取笑, 嘲弄
duck in使…浸入水中片刻
duck into躲进
duck with用…回避
make mock of[书面语]嘲笑,嘲弄
mock ... upna. 制作大模型\n[网络] 实体模型;原型;全尺寸模型
mock angina[医] 假性心绞痛, 血管舒缩性心绞痛


1. The kind of woman I used to mock. (翻译:那种我曾经嘲笑的女人。The kind of woman I used to mock.)

2. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck. (翻译:看来似只鸭,走路像鸭,叫声似鸭,一定是鸭。)

3. If a duck that happened to be floating there is in the picture, do I have to ask for the duck's approval then? (翻译:破坏了我的照片 你觉得是你做错了 还是我做错了呢)

4. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then they gotta be Chucks! (翻译:如果鸭子,叫起来像鸭子一样走路,那么他们得夹头!)

5. You hate bloggers, you mock Twitter. (翻译:你讨厌博客 嘲笑微博 You hate bloggers, you mock Twitter.)

6. Two gotchas on mock objects before we proceed. (翻译:在我们继续之前,关于mock对象有两点需要知道。)

7. This collaborator must be replaced with a mock object. (翻译:必须用模仿对象替换这个合作者。)

8. Leave the duck to cool down, then debone the duck and carve into serving sizes and serve cold. (翻译:将鸭待凉,然后去骨,切成适中的片状上碟,冻食。)

9. The live duck mounted the dead duck, and started to copulate. (翻译:活着的鸭子爬上了死去的鸭子身上, 然后开始交配。)

10. But for now, he says, 'it walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, so we'll call it a duck until proven otherwise. ' (翻译:但对于目前,他说,既然它走起来像只鸭子,叫起来也像只鸭子,那么在证明它不是鸭子之前,我们就把它当作鸭子好了。)

11. Vang Ming: I know their mother is a duck A duck can swim. Can ducklings swin? (翻译:杨明:我知道它们的母亲叫鸭子。鸭子会游泳。小鸭会游泳吗。)

12. Leave the duck to cool down, then debone the duck and carve into serving sizes and serve cold. (翻译:将鸭待凉,然后去骨,切成适中的片状上碟,冻食。)

13. So that leaves one sitting duck. (翻译:所以就剩下一个目标了 So that leaves one sitting duck.)

14. The Mock Turtle went on. (翻译:假海龟继续讲。)

15. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck. (翻译:如果它像鸭子一样走路,像鸭子一样呱呱叫,那它一定是一只鸭子。)

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