maximum gradeability是什么意思 maximum gradeability的中文翻译、读音、例句

maximum gradeability是什么意思 maximum gradeability的中文翻译、读音、例句

maximum gradeability通常被翻译为"网络、最大上坡能力"的意思,作为名词时有"最大爬坡度"的意思,发音是[maximumgradeability],maximum gradeability是一个英语名词,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到79个与maximum gradeability相关的句子。

Maximum gradeability的中文翻译

例句:Imagine you could reach maximum workload with strength training and maximum workload with set peice training alone. (假设你能够通过仅仅提高力量训练或者定位球训练来达到最大总体训练强度。)


例句:The maximum number of judges Order 1970 fixed the maximum number of puisne judges of the High Court at 75. (xx年法官人数规则规定高等法院普通法官最多为75名。)


例句:Maximum thrusters, Mr. Sulu! (螠苇纬喂蟽蟿畏 伪蟺蠈未慰蟽畏 魏喂谓畏蟿萎蚁伪, 魏蠉蚁喂蔚 危慰蠉位慰?.)


maximum gradeability一般作为名词使用,如在gradeability(n. (机动车辆的)爬坡能力)、maximum(最大值 )、to the maximum(达到极点)等常见短语中出现较多。

gradeabilityn. (机动车辆的)爬坡能力
to the maximum达到极点
diffraction maximum衍射峰
diffuse maximum漫射峰
diurnal maximum日最大
discharge maximum最大可用流量
electrocapillary maximum[化] 电毛细管极大
eigenvalue of maximum[数] 最大特征值


1. Maximum thrusters, Mr. Sulu! (翻译:螠苇纬喂蟽蟿畏 伪蟺蠈未慰蟽畏 魏喂谓畏蟿萎蚁伪, 魏蠉蚁喂蔚 危慰蠉位慰?.)

2. Raise the security level at the Hive to maximum. (翻译:把蜂巢的安保级别升至最高 Raise the security level at the Hive to maximum.)

3. The sun is overhead, maximum heating, maximum evaporation, maximum clouds, maximum rainfall, maximum opportunities for reproduction. (翻译:太阳正当头,加热最强烈, 蒸发最强烈,云最多, 雨最多, 给繁殖提供最多的机会。)

4. I had a lot of names, the most conceited kind. I was Maximum, Brimstone, Godfather D, Devastatin' D. (翻译:你知道,我有很多名字 cdcan,maximum,gravestone,dogfatherD,bigD)

5. Maximum penalty of life imprisonment. (翻译:危害生命。的最高刑罚 Ywotniego剥夺自由。)

6. Prisoner 831, Fort Leavenworth maximum security. (翻译:Leavenworth监狱最高级别狱室的编号831 Prisoner 831, Fort Leavenworth maximum security.)

7. The Maximum Number of Judges Order 1970 fixed the maximum number of puisne judges of the High Court at 75. (翻译:xx年法官人数规则规定高等法院普通法官最多为75名。)

8. I think it tries you to the maximum, the missions. (翻译:最令我害怕的任务 我认为那些任何是试你的极限)

9. Maximum climbable gradient. (翻译:最大爬坡度。)

10. The maximum payout will be $705, 000. (翻译:最高支付额是70.5万美元。)

11. The dam could be subjected to upgraded maximum credible earthquake (MCE) or probable maximum flood (PMF) loadings. (翻译:该拱坝能经受住强化的可能最大地震荷载或者可能最大洪水荷载。)

12. Say, D-Block of a maximum-security prison? (翻译:D block of a maximum security prison?)

13. It can estimate VO2max The maximum rate of oxygen consumption during maximum excursion. (翻译:它能测量最大耗氧值 也就是最大移动过程中的最大耗氧速率)

14. Can you guess what maximum fun is? (翻译:哪一种最好玩? 猜猜看吧 哪一种最好玩?)

15. What Is The Maximum Claimable Amount? (翻译:什么是最高可申请发还的金额? )

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