molars是什么意思 molars的中文翻译、读音、例句

molars是什么意思 molars的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 牙科学方面:molars是牙科学术语,形容牙齿中的臼齿,主要用于磨碎食物。

2. 解剖学方面:molars也可用于解剖学术语,指人类或动物颌骨中的臼齿。

3. 国际标准ISO 3166-1方面:MOL是地区代码,指马约特岛(Mayotte,位于印度洋)。

4. 矿业术语方面:molars(也称为“molars of Carniaux”)是岩石学家用来形容一种比较罕见的矿物质。


1. The molars are used mainly to chew and grind food.


2. She was experiencing pain in her molars due to cavities.


3. The jaw of the elephant has huge molars which can crush bamboo effortlessly.


4. Mayotte, designated by MOL, is a small island in the Indian Ocean.

马约特岛,ISO 3166-1 标准地区代码为MOL,是位于印度洋上的一座小岛。

5. Molars of Carniaux are rare minerals found only in certain geological areas.





1. The molars are the largest teeth in the mouth.


2. When molars hurt, it can be very difficult to eat.


3. Regular brushing and flossing can help prevent cavities in molars.





例句:Restoration of carious primary and permanent molars. (修复主要牙齿和臼齿。)


例句:Unique features include: tai ping molars, it has developed into a wrist "false" the thumb is to adapt to the bamboo of life. (独特的特征包括:大而平的臼齿,它的一根腕骨已经发育成了“伪拇指”这都是为了适应以竹子为食的生活。)


例句:And, of course if you can build mice molars in Petri dishes, you can grow human molars in Petri dishes. (当然如果你能在培养皿里制造老鼠牙齿 你就也能在培养皿里生长人类的磨牙 )


例句:The first patient is in excruciating pain because she has several rotten molars. (翻译:第一位病人受着剧痛的折磨 因为她有几颗臼齿腐烂了 )


molars一般作为名词使用,如在Rotten Molars(臼齿)等常见短语中出现较多。

Rotten Molars臼齿


1. And, of course if you can build mice molars in Petri dishes, you can grow human molars in Petri dishes. (翻译:当然如果你能在培养皿里制造老鼠牙齿 你就也能在培养皿里生长人类的磨牙 )

2. The first patient is in excruciating pain because she has several rotten molars. (翻译:第一位病人受着剧痛的折磨 因为她有几颗臼齿腐烂了 )

3. Conclusion The molar root movement controller could prevent the side effects and avoid the second molar buccally positioned movement in the process of molar propeller moving the two molars distally. (翻译:结论磨牙控根移动杆具有良好防止磨牙推进器推两个磨牙远移过程中的不利副移动作用,并能避免第二磨牙颊向错位。)

4. Objective: To measure changes in angular position and eruption status of mesially impacted mandibular third molars (M3) during 3-year follow-up period. (翻译:目的:xx年随防观察近中阻生的下颌第三磨牙萌出情况与其倾斜角度的关系。)

5. The most common torque need for the lower molars is buccal uprighting. (翻译:最常见的扭矩需要降低磨牙的颊扶正。)

6. Conclusion Calvital and Dycal were both effective agents in the pulpotomy of primary molars. (翻译:结论这两种氢氧化钙复合制剂作为乳牙活髓切断的盖髓剂均有较好的疗效。)

7. Results MBT appliance is better to control the mesial inclination of molars, the vertical movement and torque of anteriors. (翻译:结果两组相比,MBT对切牙垂直方向及转矩和下颌磨牙倾斜角度的控制较好。)

8. Objective: To observe the clinical treatment effects of VITAPEX paste on the primary molars furcation puncture. (翻译:目的:观察VITAPEX糊剂治疗乳磨牙髓底穿通的临床治疗效果。)

9. Hemisection combined with fixed restorations can be used to restore molars with vertical split effectively. (翻译:使用牙体半切术结合固定修复方法,可有效地保留老年人牙根纵裂的患牙。)

10. Most dentists recommend the permanent molars and premolars to be sealed because these are the teeth that have the deepest grooves. (翻译:大多数牙医建议封闭恒牙的磨牙和双尖牙,因为磨牙的窝沟比较深,乳牙通常不用做窝沟封闭。)

11. Conclusion The composite resin inlay is a new alternative to the restoration of childrens permanent molars and premolars . (翻译:结论复合树脂嵌体可作为儿童期恒磨牙、双尖牙缺损修复的一种适用方法。)

12. But wisdom teeth weren't always a cash crop for oral surgeons. Long ago, they served as a useful third set of meat-mashing molars. (翻译:很久以前,智齿是作为把肉嚼碎的第三磨牙而派大用处的,不是像现在只是留给口腔医生去拔掉。)

13. Human molars and jaws responded to the invention of cooking by getting smaller. (翻译:人类的牙齿及下颚由于烹饪的发明而变得越来越小。)

14. The reason for these may be the occlusal relationships of upper and lower molars, dental physiological function of the teeth, and the difference in economic subsistance between the groups. (翻译:磨耗速率的组内、组间差异与上下颌牙齿咬合关系、口腔咀嚼生理以及不同经济文化古人群的食物构成等差异有关。)

15. Our ancestors, known to be herbivores, needed strong molars for mashing up and chewing plant material. (翻译:我们的祖先是草食动物,因此需要强壮的磨牙来混合和咀嚼植物。)



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