moldedbreadth是什么意思 moldedbreadth的中文翻译、读音、例句

moldedbreadth是什么意思 moldedbreadth的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:The niche breadth of the 6 dominant chigger species is different with a wide niche overlap. (优势恙螨的生态位宽度差异与生态位重叠均明显。)


例句:Moreover, the sources are located along the ridge crests, suggesting that the landscape was molded by precipitation and runoff. (除此之外,河流的源头向著山脉的顶峰,显示这样的地形景观是由降雨与迳流雕琢出来的。)


例句:But the breadth of the package, it seems to me, is at the very least a weathervane. (不过这一新技术创新对我来说至少是一个风向标。)


1. But the breadth of the package, it seems to me, is at the very least a weathervane. (翻译:不过这一新技术创新对我来说至少是一个风向标。)

2. Computer code molded by me from a mathematical equation (翻译:- 什么? - 我塑造出来的电脑代码 用了一个数学方程序.)

3. He has been molded too far in the other direction. (翻译:他被矫枉过正, 在另一个方向上走得太远了。)

4. The rice dampened and molded during the summer rains. (翻译:在夏天雨季大米已受潮发霉。)

5. Octogen molded together with plastic makes plastic explosives. (翻译:将HMX用塑料固定在一起的话 就能制造出一个塑料炸弹了 昨夜叶井户田的黑川先生住所)

6. Even when he was in the womb, Harold was listening for his mother's voice, and being molded by it. (翻译:早在哈罗德是子宫胎儿的时候,他就已经在聆听母亲的声音,并且日渐耳濡目染。)

7. It's one of the most popular brands. It had a regular breadth of its bottom. (翻译:那是一个非常有名的牌子,它的瓶底有着标准的宽度。)

8. Only Heiner rivers and breadth of vision, we can really do is give only, but is used. (翻译:只有海纳百川气魄与胸襟,才能真正做到唯才是举,唯才是用。)

9. A mounded or molded dish , usually baked, of ground beef or a combination of various meats and other ingredients . (翻译:肉糕用牛肉糜或各种肉和其它成份混合的肉糜堆成或模制的菜肴,通常烤制而成。)

10. But if you tear it in the middle -- now, I didn't touch this breadth, but still, the meaning of this changes. (翻译:但是如果你从中间把它撕开。现在,我不碰到这宽, 但改变仍然已经发生。)

11. The LGF was dipped into suspending intermediate, dryed, molten to draw- extruded to be bar, pelleted and molded. (翻译:该方法采用中间体悬浮液浸渍玻璃纤维, 烘干, 熔融状态下拉挤成棒型,切粒,注射成型。)

12. These petals cost about a dollar each -- they're lightweight, injection-molded plastic, aluminized. (翻译:每个板梯大概1美金-- 轻质的,吹塑塑料,表面镀铝。)

13. Regardless of this economic globalization in development depth and breadth, has surmounted in the advancement speed formerly. (翻译:这次经济全球化无论在发展的深度和广度上,还是在推进速度上都超越了以往。)

14. I ran all this way to get away from... (翻译:I migrated across the breadth of the continent of North America. 跑这么远就是为了摆脱... I ran all this way to get away from...)

15. He molded him to his needs. The faithful servant and the great lord. (翻译:他把他培养成为他的必需之人 忠实的仆人和伟大的主人)

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