molecul是什么意思 molecul的中文翻译、读音、例句

molecul是什么意思 molecul的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Sodium azide induces damage of microtubules and cell viability in cul-tured nerve cells (叠氮钠对培养神经细胞微管结构和细胞存活率的影响)


1. "So it is, so it is," said the Mole, with great heartiness. (翻译:“是啊,是啊。”鼹鼠莫尔打心眼里说。)

2. The Mole ventured to ask. (翻译:鼹鼠壮着胆子问。)

3. Henderson pulls out of a cul-de-sac off the Newtownards Road at 7:30 on the nail every day. (翻译:汉德森的车每天早上七点 Henderson pulls out of a cul -de -sac off the Newtownards Road)

4. The symbol of global conservation, he said, had lumbered down an evolutionary cul-de-sac. (翻译:他说,这种动物虽然是全球环境保护的象征,但作为物种本身,它已经走进了进化的死胡同。)

5. The only thing worse than a mole is a rat. (翻译:出卖别人的家伙比叛徒更恶劣 The only thing worse than a mole is a rat.)

6. The mole killed him before he could go public. (翻译:Gonzalez肯定发现了谁是内奸 Gonzalez must have figured out there was a mole.)

7. Mole, schmole, I ain't letting them make sundaes out of my chicken. (翻译:Mole,schmole,我不是让他们用我的鸡做圣代。)

8. Qin Liangyu in Ba and yu culture is organic component of Ba and yu hero cul... (翻译:故巴渝文存中的秦良玉是巴渝英雄文化的有机组成部分。)

9. An explorer is a friend to all, be it a plant, a fish or a tiny mole. (翻译:探险家的朋友包万物 无论是植物,鱼儿还是小鼹鼠)

10. The one with the cute little mole on it. (翻译:切下那颗有小痣的 The one with the cute little mole on it.)

11. I'm very pleased with you, Mole! (翻译:我对你很满意,鼹鼠莫尔! )

12. Is there lachrymal mole to mean on man face manage? (翻译:男人脸上有泪痣意味着么司啊? )

13. By cons, under the scapula, it has a delicious mole. (翻译:后来我发现在她左肩胛下有块胎记. 托尔斯泰?)

14. You were right about the mole, Toby. (翻译:是该犯罪组织的内鬼 acting as a mole for the criminal organization. 内鬼的事你说得没错 托比 You were right about the mole, Toby.)

15. Expression of laminine and laminine receptor in hydatidiform mole and invasive mole and the significance (翻译:层粘连蛋白及其受体在葡萄胎、侵蚀性葡萄胎中的表达及意义)

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