例句:Moller International, based in Davis, Calif. , is developing personal vertical takeoff and landing aircraft. (总部位于加州戴维斯的穆勒国际公司正在研发个人垂直升降飞机。)
例句:Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig Moller immediately condemned the blast. (丹麦外交大臣默勒立即谴责了爆炸袭击。)
1. I know, I know, I know, I know. (翻译:我知道,我知道 I know, I know, I know, I know.)
2. Paul Moller: I believe that personal transportation in something like the Skycar, probably in another volantor form as well, will be a significant part of our lives, as Dr. Goldin says, within the next 10 years. (翻译:我相信私人交通工具 就像飞天车这样 或者其他形式的飞天车, 将会是我们生活中一个重要的部分 就在未来xx年内,如Goldin博士所预见。)
3. ♪ When I rock, when I rock, when I rock, when I rock ♪ (翻译:When I rock, when I rock, when I rock, when I rock ? ?)
4. I look in the mirror and I like what I see. (翻译:I look in the mirror and I like what I see.)
5. I did everything I could, I swear to God! (翻译:I... I did everything I could, I swear to God!)
6. I had no idea about the tracker, and if I did, I... (翻译:I... I had no idea about the tracker, and if I did, I...)
7. No, I-I-I can understand that. (翻译:I -I -I can understand that.)
8. Okay, look, i-i, i-i love the guy. (翻译:好吧 我喜欢这个人 Okay, look, I -I, I -I love the guy.)
9. Jason: OK. Alright. I'll take the chapels from Adam's Rib to Marriages Awry, and you take Naughty but Nice to Zing Zing Zing with my heart. (翻译:杰森:好吧,我来。我从亚当的肋骨教堂开始,到我们就是婚姻。你从调皮而美好找到砰砰砰,我的心在跳。)
10. If Paul Moller has his way, people soon will be able to buy the world's first flying car, known as the Skycar. (翻译:如果保罗•穆勒有招儿的话,人们很快就可以购买世界上第一辆飞车即“天车”了。)
11. ¶ ooh, yeah, ooh i love you (翻译:Stay* *I want I want I want you to?)
12. And in that moment, I regret that I said what I did. (翻译:I regret that I said what I did.)
:// (翻译://
14. Moller designed his $1 million Skycar with eight engines and two flight computers. (翻译:穆勒设计的造价一百万美元的天车有八个引擎和两部飞行计算器。)
15. Ms. Moller-Scheu said there was no evidence to support a report in the news magazine Der Spiegel that the coins had come from Italy and Greece. (翻译:Möller-Scheu 女士对新闻杂志Der Spiegel上对硬币来源地系意大利和希腊的报道称没有证据支持。)