molten lead是什么意思 molten lead的中文翻译、读音、例句

molten lead是什么意思 molten lead的中文翻译、读音、例句

molten lead在中文中有"熔铅"的意思,在英美地区还有"熔铅"的意思,单词读音音标为[moltenlead],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到26个与molten lead相关的句子。

Molten lead的翻译


例句:A metal powder is produced by atomizing a molten metal. (通过雾化熔融金属可以产生金属粉。)


molten lead一般作为名词使用,如在molten lead austenitizing(铅浴等温淬火)、molten(a. 熔化的, 炽热的, 铸造的\nmelt的过去分词)、molten alloy(熔融合金)等常见短语中出现较多。

molten lead austenitizing铅浴等温淬火
moltena. 熔化的, 炽热的, 铸造的\nmelt的过去分词
molten alloy熔融合金
molten alumina熔融氧化铝
molten aluminium熔融铝,液态铝
molten aluminum熔融铝
molten ashun. 熔融灰\n[网络] 融化的灰
molten bath熔体;熔浴;熔池
molten bismuth熔融铋


1. - Lead the way. - Come on. (翻译:你带路,来吧 Lead the way.)

2. Knights lead the Cubs 2-1. (翻译:武士领先小熊,2比1 Knights lead the Cubs 2 -1.)

3. Are you a collective, or does one lead? (翻译:Are you a collective, or does one lead? 你们有没有领头的人)

4. The molten metal is poured into the mould. (翻译:这块熔化了的金属被倒入模子。)

5. Bobby: Or Arkady leaving. If his work's done here, maybe they've told him, head for the continent. (翻译:或者Arkady离开 Or Arkady leaving. but the man is our only lead.)

6. "The Slayer will not know him, and he will lead her into Hell." (翻译:and he will lead her into Hell.)

7. Rivers of molten lava flowed down the mountain. (翻译:大量的熔岩顺着山坡流下来。)

8. ♪ We were made to lead the way ♪ (翻译:♪ We were made to lead the way ♪)

9. And lead it will remain... (翻译:レ祥婬楷汜曹赵 And lead it will remain...)

10. And remember, Rangers lead the way. (翻译:Rangers lead the way.)

11. As the molten Earth cooled, a vast world ocean was formed. (翻译:随着急剧的地球冷却 一个巨大的海洋诞生了)

12. If they'd cought Rachel, they would've boiled her alive in molten lead. (翻译:如果他们抓到Rachel 会把她丢进溶铅里活煮)

13. "to congratulate the lead actor (翻译:祝贺主演的演出成功 to congratulate the lead actor)

14. It could lead to a loss of public confidence. (翻译:It could lead to a loss of... 公信力 您说选票?)

15. - Come on, Bobby, get the lead out. (翻译:Bobby. Get the lead out. -你在哪儿)

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