mountaineering expedition是什么意思 mountaineering expedition的中文翻译、读音

mountaineering expedition是什么意思 mountaineering expedition的中文翻译、读音

mountaineering expedition的意思是"登山考察",作为名词时有"登山探险"的意思,在线读音是[mountaineeringexpedition],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到54个与mountaineering expedition相关的句子。

Mountaineering expedition的词典翻译


例句:As well as the ransom we'd need a ship and money for the expedition. (相当一次远征的费用 这可是一大笔钱啊 一大笔钱)


例句:If Einstein is right, then an English expedition will have proved it. (如果爱因斯坦是对的 那么这将是英国考察队证明的)


mountaineering expedition一般作为名词使用,如在mountaineering(登山 )、expedition(远征 )、with expedition(迅速地,很快地)等常见短语中出现较多。

with expedition迅速地,很快地
mountaineering boots登山靴
mountaineering rope登山绳索
ski mountaineering滑雪登山运动,山地滑雪运动
expedition boat[网络] 探险船
expedition pump[化] 应急泵
expedition transit探测经纬仪


1. Once upon a time, there was a group of mountain climbers went mountaineering, among them, there was a nice couple. (翻译:有xx年登山社去登山,其中有一对感情很好的情侣在一起。)

2. So Rob and Harold and Mike will tell you all sorts of stuff about mountaineering, but from a medical standpoint getting you to the top of Everest is really about oxygen. (翻译:接下来罗布 赫罗德和麦克会讲解 So Rob and Harold and Mike will tell you 登山有关事项 all sorts of stuff about mountaineering, 但从医学角度来说 but from a medical standpoint)

3. This expedition shall be struck from the records. (翻译:这次探险将从记录中抹去 This expedition shall be struck from the records.)

4. Jerry Shepard, expedition guide. Welcome to the bottom of the world. (翻译:杰瑞・协珀得, 探险队向导 欢迎来到地球边缘)

5. The Michigan Assembly Plant was one of the most profitable plants of the late 1990s, building the Ford Expedition and Lincoln Navigator. (翻译:密歇根大学的装配厂之一,是最有利可图的植物上世纪xx年代末,建设福特Expedition和林肯Navigator。)

6. Scott's last expedition, the Terra Nova Expedition in 1910, started as a giant siege-style approach. (翻译:xx年, 斯科特对新大陆作了他最后一次探险, 带着胸中的万丈豪情。)

7. It won't be labelled in any way as a military expedition. (翻译:它无论如何也称不上是一次军事远征。)

8. Yeah, but it's actually pretty specific for a fishing expedition. (翻译:是的 但是对于钓鱼来说 这目标还挺明确的)

9. In mountaineering parlance, it's the altitude above 26,000 feet where oxygen is insufficient to sustain life. (翻译:在登山术语中 指的是海拔26,000英尺以上 氧气稀薄得难以维生的区域)

10. A treasure hunting expedition in the Caribbean, searching for Spanish gold. (翻译:加勤比地区有一个寻宝探险队 正在搜索西班牙的黄金)

11. Shirese's expedition was heroic. (翻译:Shirese 的远征是英勇的。)

12. This entire expedition is in serious jeopardy because of you, Miss Mercer. (翻译:这整个探险 队真的很危险 是因为你,麦西小姐,我感激...)

13. I arranged with archeologists to organize an expedition and went with them. (翻译:我说服考古学家组织探险队 我和他们一起出发了)

14. So we can continue with the expedition. (翻译:如果穿过丛林 可以省下xx日 你想要我们穿过丛林?)

15. With this inexpensive headset, students are transported to an underwater expedition. (翻译:有了这个便宜的装置, 学生们参与了一次水下考察。)

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