mournfullest是什么意思 mournfullest的中文翻译、读音、例句

mournfullest是什么意思 mournfullest的中文翻译、读音、例句

mournfullest在中文中有"令人惋惜的、消沉的"的意思,还经常被翻译为令人悲痛的,单词读音音标为['mɔːnfʊl; -fəl],mournfullest是一个英语名词,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到85个与mournfullest相关的例句。



例句:But we'd begun a dialogue that I felt was necessary to explore to its fullest. (们开始了一个对话, 我认为,有必要由此来探索所有的可能性。)


例句:Like most parents, he just wanted his kids to reach their fullest potential. (就像大部分的父母一样, 他只希望我能发挥最大的潜能。)


例句:- Mark likes to live life to the fullest. (- Mark喜欢体验各种人生经历 - 你觉得 - Mark likes to live life to the fullest.)


例句:We'll mourn the departed day in good conscience and with goodwill. (翻译:我们将怀着满腔诚意 问心无愧地哀悼那消逝的太阳)


1. - Mark likes to live life to the fullest. (翻译:- Mark喜欢体验各种人生经历 - 你觉得 - Mark likes to live life to the fullest.)

2. We'll mourn the departed day in good conscience and with goodwill. (翻译:我们将怀着满腔诚意 问心无愧地哀悼那消逝的太阳)

3. There'll be nothing else for us to do but mourn the departed day. (翻译:我们将没有别的事情要做 惟有哀悼那消逝的太阳)

4. We mourn each one or we mean nothing at all. (翻译:我们悼念每一个, 或者我们根本没有任何意图。)

5. Let the whirlwind mourn its requiem. (翻译:任由旋风哀唱其挽歌。)

6. Anyway, so between nothingness and the fullest possible reality, various special realities. (翻译:总之,在“空无一物”与 “无限可能”的现实之间, 存在不同的、特殊的现实。)

7. That's why I will live my life to the fullest (翻译:{\1cH04C9DF}∮ 所以我更要努力活着 ∮)

8. So now we mourn our friends... (翻译:所以,现在我们在哀悼这弥补我们的朋友...)

9. Had the impulsive and desperate girl spoken out to Letitia to the fullest? (翻译:是不是那个容易冲动又好走极端的姑娘把一切都告诉了利蒂霞?)

10. You may live to mourn them if you give me the book. (翻译:但要是把书交出来,我会留你一条命去吊祭他们)

11. That I would mourn Matthew to the end of my days. (翻译:我做错了什么 我跟Branson先生一样 都是好人)

12. Yow will be more positive and more powerful! Use your imagination to its fullest ability! (翻译:你将变得更积极,更强大!尽最大能力地发挥你的想象力吧!)

13. She couldn't even afford to mourn for her grandpa (翻译:她连为团长爷爷的离去 而感到悲伤的时间都没有)

14. To... remember her life and to celebrate her. (翻译:to mourn Alice. 我们,追忆她的人生 To... remember her life)

15. They are expert bowmen that use evasive tactics to their fullest, much to the frustration of their enemies. (翻译:他们是熟练的弓箭手并使用难以捉摸的战术去挫败敌人。)

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