mcbp是什么意思 mcbp的中文翻译、读音、例句

mcbp是什么意思 mcbp的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Volatility is here, and it doesn't appear to be going away, "McCarty said." (“波动性就在这里,而且并不像要走的样子。”Mc Carty说。)


例句:In the study, the characteristic process of coagulation of PPAC was compared with that of common polymeric aluminum chloride(PAC) on the same Bp(Bp (基础上比较聚磷氯化铝与普通聚合氯化铝的混凝特征过程。)


例句:You have to know that I'm just a RAPER, not MC or singer. (我有必要让你知道,我只是个RAPER,不是MC或者歌手。)


例句:"To page this person ... " Page? What is this, 1975? (翻译:“要呼对方…” BP机?怎么了这是?又回到xx年了?)





1. You have to know that I'm just a RAPER, not MC or singer. (翻译:我有必要让你知道,我只是个RAPER,不是MC或者歌手。)

2. "To page this person ... " Page? What is this, 1975? (翻译:“要呼对方…” BP机?怎么了这是?又回到xx年了?)

3. Stan Polovets, AAR's boss, says that BP is running TNK-BP for its own benefit; he is determined to install more neutral management. (翻译:AAR的老板StarnPoloyvets指控BP运营TNK-BP时只为自己的利益着想,他已决定任命更中立的管理层。)

4. Oh, and you can keep Major McHuggles! (翻译:and you can keep Major Mc. Huggles!)

5. Female MC: As for JYJ, will there be other surprises or changes made [to the concert]? (翻译:女MC:在这场演唱会上会有一些惊喜或者改变么?)

6. As it is, TNK-BP accounts for a fifth of BP's production, but only a tenth of its profits. (翻译:事实上,TNP-BP公司的产量占据了BP公司的五分之一,但利润仅是该公司的十分之一。)

7. Yuck. I want a happy meal. (翻译:- Puaf,我希望有一个MC的Jabugo。)

8. You think maybe he's *** in his... commitment to the MC. (翻译:你觉得他的天主教信仰 使他背叛了摩托帮?)

9. Research on rheological parameters of sullage soft-soil and BP neural network model (翻译:淤泥质软土流变参数及BP神经网络模型研究)

10. They got the lion's share of the guns and profits while the MC was inside. (翻译:他们占据了武器市场的大份额 当摩托帮成员在服刑期间)

11. "If the process takes that long, we... are going to be in trouble," Guttman-McCabe said. (翻译:“如果流程需要很长时间,我们,我们将遇到麻烦,”Guttman - Mc Cabe说到。)

12. During the process of Bayesian networks modeling, K2 and MCMC algorithms are utilized together. (翻译:在贝叶斯网络构造过程中,结合采用K2和MC - MC算法构建网络。)

13. The loan mode of agriculture insurance and loan ; ASRF mode ; MC simulation (翻译:农业保险+信贷贷款模式;渐进单因子模型;蒙特卡罗模拟;)

14. The BP case may be just the sort of disaster that tort law exists to address. (翻译:也许,正是BP案才使得侵权法有了用武之地。)

15. The spheroidizing annealing process of MC5 cold roll steel has been studied in detail. (翻译:详细研究了MC 5轧辊钢球化退火工艺。)

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