mud shaker在中文中有"钻井振动筛"的意思,作为名词时有"钻井振动筛"的意思,单词读音音标为[mudshaker],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到44个与mud shaker相关的句子。
Mud shaker的中文翻译
例句:Looktothesky above and the mud below (琳达・巴雷特进了河岸大学读书 现在和她的变态心理学教授同居 ∮看看头顶的天空和脚下的泥土∮)
mud shaker一般作为名词使用,如在mud(烂泥 )、mud mud daub([机] 泥浆修补)、dual shaker([化工] 双联振动筛)等常见短语中出现较多。
mud | 烂泥 |
mud mud daub | [机] 泥浆修补 |
dual shaker | [化工] 双联振动筛 |
eccentric shaker | 偏心摇动器 |
driftnet shaker | 流刺网振网机 |
dust shaker | 除尘机,打土机,清纤机 |
electric shaker | 电动摇筛器 |
electrodynamic shaker | 电动振子 |
flask shaker | 落砂机 |
1. The unfired and uncured mud brick made of red mud, fly ash, aggregates and so on is pressed and cured in nature. (翻译:利用中铝赤泥、粉煤灰、骨料等材料采用模压成型,自然养护制成了赤泥免烧免蒸砖。)
2. Then get that mud off your pants. (翻译:那就去换掉那条脏裤子 你要去参观工厂了 Then get that mud off your pants.)
3. Theroad was narrow and slick with mud. (翻译:道路狭窄,满是稀泥。)
4. Friends, friends, stop everything. There's food in this shaker. (翻译:朋友们,朋友们,先等等,这个瓶子里有吃的东西)
5. - Mm-hmm. I'm high risk, Jay. I'm a big hand shaker. (翻译:我很有可能感染 Jay 我可喜欢和人握手了)
6. Your boots are covered in mud. (翻译:你的靴子上都是泥。)
7. Come on, last night was like sleeping next to a paint shaker. (翻译:得了吧, 昨晚就像睡在一个颜料震动器旁边.)
8. It is adopted to improve mud's leak protection that adding mekralon into mud in the leaking layer. (翻译:针对漏失地层固井,采用聚丙烯纤维加入水泥浆中改善水泥浆的防漏性能,增加水泥石韧性。)
9. Your face is buried in the mud. (翻译:脸埋进泥浆中 Your face is buried in the mud.)
10. The wheels were stuck in the mud. (翻译:车轮陷到了泥里。)
11. And believe it or not, you don't win juggling champions for doing things with bullwhips or shaker cups. (翻译:不管你相信与否,你不可能夺得世界杂耍冠军 靠长鞭和抖杯。)
12. Shaker concentrate containing a large number of sulfide ore, floating sulfur before floating scheelite. (翻译:摇床精矿含有大量的硫化矿,浮白钨之前先浮硫。)
13. We were mostly made of charcoal and mud. (翻译:我们主要材质是木炭和泥巴 We were mostly made of charcoal and mud.)
14. You take Shaker Heights and East Cleveland... and I'm gonna take Akron and Cleveland. (翻译:你找夏克海茨和东克利夫兰... 我打算找 阿克伦城和克利夫兰.)
15. In spring, to change into pupa, the larva dig into the mud (翻译:这个... 萤火虫到了春天 会离开河川到陆地 钻到土地里头 然后成为蛹)