mud polygon的意思是"泥多边形土",其中文解释还有"泥多边形土"的意思,单词读音音标为[mudpolygon],mud polygon常被用作名词,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到29个与mud polygon相关的例句。
Mud polygon的中文翻译
例句:His clothing was stained with mud. (他的衣服沾了泥。)
mud polygon一般作为名词使用,如在mud crack polygon(泥裂多边形土)、polygon(多边形 )、mud(烂泥 )等常见短语中出现较多。
mud crack polygon | 泥裂多边形土 |
polygon | 多边形 |
mud | 烂泥 |
mud mud daub | [机] 泥浆修补 |
equiangular polygon | 等角多边形 |
equilateral polygon | 【数学】正多边形,等边多边形 |
equilibrium polygon | 平衡多边形 |
equivalent polygon | 等积多边形 |
filled polygon | [计] 实心多边形 |
1. Mud, mud, and just a little bit more mud. (翻译:跨越泥泞的山谷 {\3cH202020}through the marshy valleys. 到处都是淤泥 {\3cH202020}and just a little bit more mud.)
2. Looktothesky above and the mud below (翻译:琳达・巴雷特进了河岸大学读书 现在和她的变态心理学教授同居 ∮看看头顶的天空和脚下的泥土∮)
3. It is adopted to improve mud's leak protection that adding mekralon into mud in the leaking layer. (翻译:针对漏失地层固井,采用聚丙烯纤维加入水泥浆中改善水泥浆的防漏性能,增加水泥石韧性。)
4. And this is a polygon describing a pentagram. (翻译:下面是一个描述五角星形的多边形。)
5. A flowline mud sample contains drill cuttings entrained in the mud. (翻译:流线泥浆样本的泥浆中夹带有钻屑。)
6. As you connect to MUDs , individual MUD windows will be displayed on top of the main windows background. (翻译:因为您连接到泥,各自的MUD窗口将被显示在主窗口背景顶部。)
7. This partition is called the bisector skeleton of the polygon. (翻译:这种划分就称为多边形的角分线骨架。)
8. We already know, for example if a polygon is composed of multiple polygons then the polygon's total area is the sum of all the smaller areas. (翻译:我们已经知道 比如说 如果一个多边形是由多个多边形组成 那么该多边形的面积 就是所有多边形面积的总和)
9. The perisperm cells are elongated rectangularity , square shaped or polygon full of starch grains. (翻译:外胚乳细胞长条形、方形或多边形,细胞内充满淀粉;)
10. We were mostly made of charcoal and mud. (翻译:我们主要材质是木炭和泥巴 We were mostly made of charcoal and mud.)
11. I heard on the news, they still hadn't found Mud's body. (翻译:我在新闻上听到说, 他们还是没找到Mud的尸体)
12. I turned on the computer, connected to the computer, and entered the fantasy "Battle of Antietam" . (翻译:我打开电脑,接通MUD,走进了我编制的“安提顿战役”的历史场景。)
13. The boat beached on a mud flat. (翻译:船在泥沼上搁浅了。)
14. The elephant that got stuck in the mud was Kolida. (翻译:被困在泥潭里的大象名叫科丽达 {\3cH202020}The elephant that got stuck in the mud was Kolida.)
15. In the other embodiment, the susceptor cross section is a polygon with a plurality of substrates mounted on its facets. (翻译:在另一个实施方式中,衬托器截面是多边形,且多个衬底安装在衬托器的面上。)