muffley是什么意思 muffley的中文翻译、读音、例句

muffley是什么意思 muffley的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:We'll carry on hunting tomorrow. (-y, on reprendra la chasse demain.)


例句:Let's say I'm especially influenced by '60s music, but I like to mix it up with more modern stuff. ({Y: I}从20世纪xx年代的灵感 {Y:)


1. ♪ You to know from the start ♪ (翻译:y ou to know from the start)

2. -Jerry! (翻译:- J e r r y

3. Enable OProfile in the profiling menu and set CONFIG_PROFILING=y and CONFIG_OPROFILE=y in the . config file. (翻译:在评测菜单中启用Oprofile,在.config文件中设置CONFIG_PROFILING=y和CONFIG_OPROFILE=y。)

4. Y'all get in that barn and y'all hide. (翻译:现在到 农场和隐藏。- 我引开他们,而个。)

5. - You must put a stop to this. (翻译:Knightley ? Y你应该让她歇一歇了.)

6. y 1 two minus one is one, that's my new value of iters left, go back up. (翻译:加x等于6,也就是y的新值,y,plus,x,is,six,,that’s,my,new,value,of,y,2减1等于,也就是iters,left的新值,然后再回去做测试。)

7. The uppercase Y always overpowers his lowercase friend, so the only time you get green babies is if you have lowercase Y's. (翻译:大写的“Y”总是能够主宰小写的“y”, 所以你得到绿色种子唯一的机会 是当你有两个“y”的等位基因。)

8. Let's write the dominant yellow allele as an uppercase "Y" and the recessive green allele as a lowercase "y." (翻译:让我们把显性黄色等位基因写成大写的“Y” 隐性绿色等位基因写成小写的“y”。)

9. Y-You were just gonna drive away? (翻译:你... 你就打算这么开走嘛? Y...)

10. Every grieving soul Be filled with joy (翻译:{Y: 我}每悲伤的灵魂 {Y: 我充满了喜悦})

11. But, you know, once you look at the facts... (翻译:once y -you look at the facts...)

12. Yοu dοn't depend οn men. Yοu dο as yοu pleased... (翻译:有自己的前途,不必靠男人爱干什么就干什么)

13. That woman is 62, that wrap is a shawl that L is a Y, and there's a reason they call them Y's. (翻译:那个女人是62 那围巾是个披肩... ...那个L是一个Y 大家叫她们Y是有道理的)

14. Sunny side of the streeeeeeeeeeeeeeet...... (翻译:{Y: 我}阳光的侧streeeeeeeeeeeeeeet ... ...)

15. Can the value of y be predicted from the value of x? (翻译:能从x值推知y值吗? )

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