mullahs是什么意思 mullahs的中文翻译、读音、例句

mullahs是什么意思 mullahs的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 概念解释:Mullahs 是一种伊斯兰教的宗教领袖,主要存在于伊朗、阿富汗、巴基斯坦等地区。Mullahs 通常是穆斯林神职人员,对伊斯兰教的教义和法律有深入的了解,并且在信徒中享有很高的威望和影响力。

2. 文化背景:Mullahs 在中东和南亚地区的穆斯林社区中扮演着重要的角色,他们不仅仅是宗教领袖,还是政治和社会领域的重要人物。因此,对于这个词的理解涉及到文化和社会背景的认识。

3. 语言特点:Mullahs 这个单词或者缩写词,在语言上具有异质性,有时候会被用作贬义词来指代宗教极端主义者或者是对伊斯兰教态度极端的人。因此,在翻译或者使用时需要注意上下文的背景。

4. 社会影响:Mullahs 在伊斯兰世界中具有很高的社会声望和政治影响力,由于这些人通常与政治和社会领域有密切关系,他们的言论和决定经常会引起广泛关注和争议。


1. The mullahs control the religious and cultural aspects of our society.

2. He was accused of being a mullah and plotting against the government.

3. The mullahs in Iran have a lot of power and influence over their followers.

4. The radical mullahs are calling for a holy war against the West.

5. Many people have criticized the mullahs for their strict interpretation of Islamic law.


读音:mú lā


1. 这个国家的真正的实际掌权者是伊斯兰教的穆拉。

The true rulers of this country are the mullahs of Islam.

2. 在伊朗,有一些穆拉对政权持批评态度。

In Iran, some mullahs are critical of the regime.




例句:The mullahs turned up and offered plenty of pro-natalist rhetoric. (毛拉们态度转变并准备了许多抵制生育的说词。)


例句:A high-profile arrest would've sent a clear message to the Mullahs. (公开的抓捕会给伊斯兰领袖们 一个明确的信息)


例句:Barack Hussein Obama would present another challenge for Iran’s mullahs. (巴拉克 侯赛因 奥巴马,伊朗毛拉们的又一威胁。)


例句:Tolerance towards other religions, his support for science and the arts... all deadly sins in the eyes of the mullahs. (翻译:允许其他宗教的存在 支持科学及艺术的发展 在毛拉的眼里 这些都是死罪)


1. Barack Hussein Obama would present another challenge for Iran’s mullahs. (翻译:巴拉克 侯赛因 奥巴马,伊朗毛拉们的又一威胁。)

2. Tolerance towards other religions, his support for science and the arts... all deadly sins in the eyes of the mullahs. (翻译:允许其他宗教的存在 支持科学及艺术的发展 在毛拉的眼里 这些都是死罪)

3. In this election, the mullahs were trounced in NWFP and won three parliamentary seats. (翻译:在这次的选举中,mullahs在西北前线省份遭到痛击,而且仅赢得了3个议会席位。)

4. However much they dislike Iran's mullahs, Gulf Arabs dislike more the idea of getting caught up in a war between Iran and America. (翻译:无论他们多么不喜欢伊朗的这位神学老师,他们更不原意看到美伊战争。)

5. Neither can General Musharraf count on the mullahs. (翻译:穆沙拉夫将军也不能指望毛拉。)

6. Iran's ruling mullahs were always ruthless. But they disguised it a bit with faux elections. (翻译:伊朗的执政者毛拉们一向很残酷.但是他们试图用人造选举去掩饰。)



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