multifibre是什么意思 multifibre的中文翻译、读音、例句

multifibre是什么意思 multifibre的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:VERIZON can get shirty about the word "fibre" . (一提到“纤维”二字,威瑞森可能就感到恼火。)


例句:After cecectomy water content in feces increased and fibre componentsdigestibility decre… (切除盲肠后,纤维类成分消化率呈下降趋势,粪便水分含量升高。)


例句:The modification is a important way for improved the dyeability of polyester fibre . (改善涤纶纤维的染色性能和色泽鲜艳度的一条重要途径是将涤纶进行改性。)、多股纤维束

例句:Even worse is minority women earning 67 cents on the dollar. Now, Ms. Dunbar can talk about balancing the scales, but she inherited a multi-billion-dollar fortune and never had to earn any cents on the dollar. (翻译:少数裔女性甚至只有67美分 Even worse is minority women earning 67 cents on the dollar. 但她继承了亿万家产 but she inherited a multi)


multifibre一般作为名词使用,如在multifibre cable([通信] 多纤光缆)、multifibre test fabric(多种纤维试布)等常见短语中出现较多。

multifibre cable[通信] 多纤光缆
multifibre test fabric多种纤维试布


1. The modification is a important way for improved the dyeability of polyester fibre . (翻译:改善涤纶纤维的染色性能和色泽鲜艳度的一条重要途径是将涤纶进行改性。)

2. Even worse is minority women earning 67 cents on the dollar. Now, Ms. Dunbar can talk about balancing the scales, but she inherited a multi-billion-dollar fortune and never had to earn any cents on the dollar. (翻译:少数裔女性甚至只有67美分 Even worse is minority women earning 67 cents on the dollar. 但她继承了亿万家产 but she inherited a multi)

3. Flaxseed's Linum usitatissimum are high in insoluble dietary fibre. (翻译:亚麻子粉富含不溶性纤维。)

4. Sisal fibre raw material managed by steam explosion and then NaOH pulping. (翻译:摘要通过对剑麻纤维原料爆破法处理,继而进行烧碱法化学蒸煮。)

5. I hand you the keys to a multi-billion dollar company and you call your mother? (翻译:I hand you the keys to a multi -billion dollar company 我 我把你的钥匙给了几十亿元公司 我 and you call your mother?)

6. Be like me, baby. Parlee, custom-cut carbon fibre! (翻译:跟我学 宝贝 Parlee牌定制的碳纤维自行车!)

7. Garnetting machine for fibre-preparing; terms and definitions, principles of construction (翻译:纺织纤维初加工用的开松梳理机.概念.结构原理)

8. The ball is made of rattan – a natural fibre. (翻译:这个球是用藤–一种天然纤维制成的。)

9. Dried fruits are especially high in fibre. (翻译:干水果的纤维素含量尤其高。)

10. Through enzymolysis, the yield of soluble dietary fibre was further raised to 16.59% . (翻译:酶解法研究结果表明,可溶性膳食纤维产率进一步提高到16 .59%。)

11. They work as enforcers for the multi-corps. (翻译:他们是多元部队政策的强制执行人 They work as enforcers for the multi -corps.)

12. The research was published in the journal Nanotechnology. [Roberto guzman DE Villoria et al., "Multi-physics damage sensing in nano-engineered structural composites"]. (翻译:这一研究发表在了《纳米技术》杂志上[roberto guzman de Villoria et al .,Multi - physics damage sensing in nano - engineered structural composites]。)

13. There was a angle between two axes of the long olivary cell and fibre. The long olivary SCs were trending to wrapping fibre up. (翻译:长橄榄形细胞长轴往往与纤维呈一定夹角,有包裹纤维的趋势。)

14. Vessel and fibre - tracheid are both spiral thickening distinctly. (翻译:导管与纤维管胞均具明显的螺纹加厚。)

15. Recycled fibre: Secondary fibre from retree, broke or other pager waste as opposed to virgin fibre from trees. Also called Recovered fibres, Secondary fibres. (翻译:现造纤维:从次等纸,损纸或其他废纸所得的二次纤维,有别于从树木所得的首次纤维。)



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