multiword record是什么意思 multiword record的中文翻译、读音、例句

multiword record是什么意思 multiword record的中文翻译、读音、例句

multiword record在英语中代表"计"的意思,在日常中也代表"多字记录"的意思,在线发音:[multiwordrecord],multiword record来源于英语,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到18个与multiword record相关的例句。

Multiword record的释义


例句:This has got to be some sort of record. (简直都要打破记录了 This has got to be some sort of record.)


例句:♪ a record of our little lives ♪ (# 留下生活的纪念 # # A record of our little lives #)


multiword record一般作为名词使用,如在multiword([计] 多字)、multiword addition(多字加)、multiword instruction([计] 多字指令)等常见短语中出现较多。

multiword[计] 多字
multiword addition多字加
multiword instruction[计] 多字指令
multiword binary data[计] 多字二进制数据
multiword direct addressing多字直接寻址
multiword immediate addressing多字立即寻址
multiword indexed addressing多字变址寻址
for the record[经] 备案


1. A record of the flight pattern seems to be down. (翻译:好像都运行不了 a record of the flight pattern seems to be down.)

2. According to his credit card record, (翻译:- According to his credit card record,)

3. Your record is pretty impressive. (翻译:你的记录相当惊人啊 Your record is pretty impressive.)

4. A multiword identifier traditionally either contains an underscore between each word or capitalizes the first letter of each embedded word. (翻译:多词标识符习惯上要么词间包含一个下划线要么将内嵌的单词首字母大写。)

5. All right, but for the record, (翻译:好吧 不过强调一下 All right, but for the record,)

6. But a Federal Minister failing to disclose and arrest record? (翻译:But a Federal Minister failing to disclose an arrest record?)

7. What if I was to tell you off the record (翻译:如果我私下告诉你 What if I was to tell you off the record)

8. We'll start with your name and rank, then move onto your war record. (翻译:then move onto your war record.)

9. Get me in the record books! (翻译:我会载入史册 你有什么建议? Get me in the record books!)

10. As I say, this is strictly off the record. (翻译:this is strictly off the record.)

11. - You have a criminal record. (翻译:- 你有犯罪记录 - 对 - You have a criminal record.)

12. At the tone, record your message. (翻译:请在嘟声后留言 At the tone,record your message.)

13. A record 70 million are already watching. (翻译:A record 70 million are already watching.)

14. I never saw your smile as foolish. (翻译:我郑重声明 For the record,)

15. You forgot to say it was off the record. (翻译:你忘了叫我保密了。You forgot to say it was off the record.)

  • 声明:未经允许不得转载
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