例句:And you witnessed several judges placing bets with Jonathan Meade? (那么你有目击 几个法官要Jonathan Meade帮他们下单赌博?)
例句:You defeated me as I have defeated General Meade. (你打败我了.. ...就像我打败了米德将军一样)
1. As this correspondent was queuing at an Apple store in Emeryville, California, a little girl walked past. (翻译:当本记者在加州Emery ville一家苹果店正在排队的时候,一个小女孩走过身边。)
2. ...was Jonathan Meade, is that correct? (翻译:...是 Jonathan Meade, 对吗?)
3. I was there taking a little R and R with the Doolittle twins. (翻译:我当时正和一对叫杜力图的双胞胎 在那儿大肆挥霍)
4. I know. That's why I accept my fate. (翻译:为了包括你在内所有的R 我勇敢承认自己是R)
5. We're changing yoυr plan that changed oυr plan to change yoυr plan. (翻译:我们先改变你们的计划 然后改变我们的计划 再改变你们的计划)
6. Fortunately, there were usually no murders in Green Ville. (翻译:幸运的是,在格林维尔通常没有谋杀案。)
7. Mrs. MEADE: Good evening. (翻译:米德太太:晚上好。)
8. Μr. Ivanov? Here you are, Μr. (翻译:Ivanov先生, 1012房间,在十楼)
9. Well, tell me this, Mr. Meade. (翻译:嗯,米德先生 你认为巴克里斯是否可能喝醉到)
10. In addition, as travel to Yorkville became easier, most respondents to a survey of the countrys top executives identified Yorkville as a desirable place to transact business. (翻译:而且,由于到York ville的交通更加便捷,一次对于全国高层经营者的调查的多数回应者把York ville作为他们进行商务谈判的理想场所。)
11. In Paris, giraffe fashion had taken over the town. (翻译:在巴黎 长颈鹿风潮席卷了全城 À Paris, la mode de la girafe avait envahi la ville.)
12. Meade instruments has been a proud partner of Jinghua and Hejian for 15 years. (翻译:米德器械很荣幸与晶华和赫建做了xx年的合作伙伴。)
13. Fort Meade has 18 acres of mainframe computers underground. (翻译:米德堡有18英亩的地下建筑 装满电脑主机)
14. Either that or we're in ZZ Top-ville. (翻译:如果不是的话 就是ZZ Top的演唱会了)
15. R, you're no longer R. You've lost R's spirit! (翻译:R,你已经丢失了R的精神 你也放弃了韩国精神)