mutabiosynthesis是什么意思 mutabiosynthesis的中文翻译、读音、例句

mutabiosynthesis是什么意思 mutabiosynthesis的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:a-Linolenic acid, released from membrane lipid by regulated lipase activity, is the precursor molecule for phyto-oxylipin biosynthesis. (经由膜类脂规律性的酶活动释放的亚麻酸,是生物合成phyto-oxylipin的原料。)


1. The primary target of INH is the proteins involved in the biosynthesis of the mycolic acids. (翻译:异烟肼作用的主要靶标是参与枝菌酸生物合成的蛋白质。)

2. Glyoxylate rather than ascorbate is an efficient precursor for oxalate biosynthesis in rice. (翻译:乙醛酸比抗坏血酸更能作为水稻草酸合成的前体物质。)

3. Ah Mut Sha has been under attack with sheer force Kong forces him to the ground (翻译:阿密沙一路受击 江远生凭着一股气 一拉把他拉倒在地下)

4. Conclusion: There is possibly another biosynthesis route for the iridoid glycosides in verbena officinalis . (翻译:结论:马鞭草中环烯醚萜苷类的生物合成可能存在其它路径。)

5. Ah Mut Sha fought well in the second and fourth lt seems that the deciding match will be in the fifth round (翻译:第二及第四是阿密沙打得比较好 看起来今天晚上两个人 要在第五回合才能分出胜负)

6. After Ah Mut Sha delivers a swift left leg sweep... both lash out at each other (翻译:大家看到阿密沙左腿一脚踢腿之后 两个人互相打过去)

7. The above results indicated that the biosynthesis of erucic acid had been effectively inhibited by RNAi expression of FAE1 gene. (翻译:该结果说明,FAE1基因的干涉表达有效抑制了芥酸的生物合成。)

8. The PPase on the lutoids of rubber tree is a crucial enzyme in regulating rubber biosynthesis. (翻译:橡胶树乳管中与黄色体膜结合的不可溶性焦磷酸酶,是调控橡胶生物合成的一个必不可少的酶。)

9. MUT-Tschamber is one of the top five in Europe and one of the top ten in the world regarding experience in agitator design and construction of agitators and mechanical seals. (翻译:我公司在搅拌设备及机械密封的设计和生产方面的技术和能力早已处于欧洲五强和世界十强之一。)

10. Taxadiene synthase is the first known, and the most important, enzyme involved in taxol anabolism, which catalyzes the first committed, and a slow but not rate-limiting, step of taxol biosynthesis. (翻译:紫杉二烯合成酶是第一个被详细研究和目前所发现的最重要的紫杉醇合成代谢酶,它催化紫杉醇生物合成途径中的第一个定向的、慢速的步骤,然而该步骤并非限速步骤。)

11. In vitro antifungal activity of butenafine and its effect on ergosterol biosynthesis in fungi (翻译:布替萘芬体外抗真菌活性及对真菌麦角甾醇合成的影响)

12. In this article we cloned two crucial gibberellins biosynthesis enzyme genes: ent - kaurene oxidase and 20 - oxidase, and we investigated their expression patterns. 1. (翻译:本文克隆了赤霉素生物合成途径中关键合成酶:贝壳杉烯氧化酶和20 -氧化酶,并研究了二者在果树生长发育中的表达规律。)

13. Progress on microbial glyceride biosynthesis and metabolic regulation in oleaginous microorganisms (翻译:产油微生物油脂生物合成与代谢调控研究进展)

14. Isocitrate dehydrogenase, gene thereof, and use of the same in the treatment of obesity, hyperlipidemia, and fatty liver in lipid biosynthesis. (翻译:异柠檬酸脱氢酶,其基因,以及其在肥胖、高脂血症、和脂肪肝治疗和在脂类生物合成中的用途。)

15. Objective To study in vitro antifungal activity of butenafine and its effect on ergosterol biosynthesis in fungi. (翻译:目的研究抗真菌药物布替萘芬的体外抗真菌活性和对真菌麦角甾醇生物合成的影响。)

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