musteline mammals是什么意思 musteline mammals的中文翻译、读音、例句

musteline mammals是什么意思 musteline mammals的中文翻译、读音、例句

musteline mammals的意思是"的复数、一线哺乳动物",还经常被翻译为网络,在线读音是[mustelinemammals],musteline mammals常被用作名词,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到63个与musteline mammals相关的句子。

Musteline mammals的词典翻译


例句:In contrast, haploidy seems less compatible with development in mammals. (相反的,哺乳动物的单倍体似乎与发育的兼容性较差。)


例句:All the missing mammals are right here. (All the missing mammals are right here. Huh! 所有失踪的哺乳动物就在这里。)

例句:Mammals are supreme in their ability to exploit such fleeting opportunities. (这把我刚装上一个握把 把打火石插入火绒里)


musteline mammals一般作为名词使用,如在musteline(鼬鼠科动物的\n鼬鼠科动物)、mammals(n. 哺乳类;哺乳纲;哺乳类动物(mammal的复数))、musteline mammal([网络] 一线哺乳动物)等常见短语中出现较多。

mammalsn. 哺乳类;哺乳纲;哺乳类动物(mammal的复数)
musteline mammal[网络] 一线哺乳动物
digitigrade mammals[网络] 数位哺乳动物\n(digitigrade mammal 的复数)
eutherian mammals[网络] 兽类哺乳动物
female mammals[网络] 女性哺乳动物\n(female mammal 的复数)
fissiped mammals[网络] 散发的哺乳动物\n(fissiped mammal 的复数)
fossorial mammals[网络] 幻兽哺乳动物\n(fossorial mammal 的复数)
gnawing mammals[网络] 咬咬哺乳动物\n(gnawing mammal 的复数)


1. Mammals are supreme in their ability to exploit such fleeting opportunities. (翻译:这把我刚装上一个握把 把打火石插入火绒里)

2. It can only 3% of mammals are actually monogomous. (翻译:它可以只有3%的哺乳动物实际上是monogomous。)

3. The commonly known as rabbit, mammals LAGOMORPHA, herbivorous invertebrates. (翻译:兔的俗称,是哺乳类兔形目、草食性脊椎动物。)

4. So in these early mammals, because only mammals have a neocortex, rodent-like creatures. (翻译:对于早期的哺乳类动物, 由于只有他们有新大脑皮层, 就像啮齿类的生物。)

5. Very few nonhuman mammals can imitate sounds. (翻译:很少有除人类之外的哺乳动物 能模仿声音。)

6. Then comes the fishes and the reptiles and the mammals. (翻译:然后就产生了鱼类 爬行动物 还有哺乳动物)

7. And also in mice -- and mice are mammals like us. (翻译:在老鼠身上也一样--而老鼠是像我们一样的哺乳动物 )

8. But mammals are distinguished from other vertebrates by a number of shared features. (翻译:但是哺乳动物与其他脊椎动物的 不同之处在于 以下这些共同特征。)

9. Squirrels are mammals, right? (翻译:松鼠是哺乳动物,对吗? )

10. The fact that capsaicin causes pain to mammals seems to be accidental. (翻译:因此,辣椒素引发哺乳动物的痛觉感受似乎纯属偶然。)

11. Mrs. Fauquier says that is a problem for marine mammals. (翻译:福基尔女士表示,这对海洋哺乳动物来说是个问题。)

12. Man and most other mammals are viviparous. (翻译:人和其他大多数哺乳动物都是胎生的。)

13. Yeah, some mammals say the naturalist life is weird. (翻译:Yeah, some mammals say the naturalist life is weird. But you know what I say is weird?)

14. Your team take missing mammals from the Rainforest District. (翻译:Your team take missing mammals from the Rainforest District. 你们团队负责失踪的热带雨林区的哺乳动物。)

15. Well, the first thing, of course, is that we're mammals, and mammals are smelly. (翻译:首先,当然 我们是哺乳动物, 哺乳动物都是有体味的。)


musteline mammals作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有0、musteline、mammal/1、s等。

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