mutual indemnification是什么意思 mutual indemnification的中文翻译、读音、例句

mutual indemnification是什么意思 mutual indemnification的中文翻译、读音、例句

mutual indemnification的中文解释是"法",在英美地区还有"相互补偿"的意思,在线发音:[mutualindemnification],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到32个与mutual indemnification相关的句子。

Mutual indemnification的中文翻译


例句:Will the mutual annihilation and conversion to pure energy destroy the world? (它们的相互湮灭会转化为纯粹的能量而毁灭世界吗? )


例句:The insurance company might refuse indemnification in case of damage or pilferage, on the ground of improper packing. (保险公司可能会拒绝赔偿在出现损坏或偷盗时,在地上的包装不当。)


mutual indemnification一般作为名词使用,如在mutual indemnification agreement(相互补偿约定)、indemnification(赔偿 )、export indemnification(出口补偿)等常见短语中出现较多。

mutual indemnification agreement相互补偿约定
export indemnification出口补偿
indemnification for loss[法] 损害赔偿, 损害赔偿金
progressive indemnification[经] 累增补偿
mutual will[法] 相互遗嘱
inductance mutual互感
mutual acceptance[经] 相互承兑


1. Next on the agenda is the continuing mutual disarmament talks with NATO. (翻译:下一项议题是... 与北约组织的双边限武谈判)

2. What, do you think I carved notches on my bedpost? (翻译:是你主动的吗 Were you the one to initiate it? 我们之间相互吸引 艾莉 It was a mutual attraction, Ellie.)

3. No shared interests, no mutual friends, No connections at all. (翻译:⊿Τ妓砍届稲 ⊿Τ妓狟ね Ч⊿羛么)

4. Like mutual welfare, benefit. (翻译:Like mutual welfare, benefit.)

5. Millstones - The mutual converse of human society. (翻译:磨石-世间人与人之间彼此的互换。)

6. This is the Pari-Mutual network, bringing you (翻译:这里是pari -Mutual广播网 为您播出)

7. "One world, one dream. " Today's world calls for mutual understanding, mutual tolerance, mutual cooperation and harmonious development. (翻译:“同一个世界,同一个梦想”,“oneworld,onedream”,“unmonde,unreve”,今天的世界需要相互理解、相互包容,相互合作,和谐发展。)

8. Application of Switching Mutual Repulsive Thyristors in OLTC (翻译:互斥晶闸管组通断控制方法在OLTC中的应用)

9. A mutual friend put us in touch. (翻译:我们或许也就是人 that we might all just be human.)

10. One based on mutual interest and mutual respect and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. (翻译:一个以共同利益 和相互尊重 和一个基于真相 美国和伊斯兰教 不是排他性)

11. The antipathy is mutual. (翻译:这种反感是相互的。)

12. Mutual and Provident. What's that? Door-to-door? (翻译:Mutual和Provident 那是什么公司 上门推销的?)

13. Based on mutual performance. (翻译:具体看双方的表现 Based on mutual performance.)

14. The spirit of collaboration and mutual indebtedness permeates the organization. (翻译:互利互益的合作精神渗透到合作组织中。)

15. In May 1962 the government announced the intention to amend article 1 41 of the Constitution that determined the payment of previous cash indemnification for expropriation. (翻译:xx年xx月 In May 1962 政府宣布意图修改宪法第141条 the government announced the intention to amend article 1 41 of the Constitution 即确定支付对征地的 that determined the payment of previous cash indemnification)

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