nadir photograph是什么意思 nadir photograph的中文翻译、读音、例句

nadir photograph是什么意思 nadir photograph的中文翻译、读音、例句

nadir photograph在中文中有"垂直摄影像片"的意思,其次还有"垂直摄影像片"的意思,在线发音:[nadirphotograph],nadir photograph来源于英语,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到81个与nadir photograph相关的句子。

Nadir photograph的中文翻译


例句:This consensus is consistent with another consensus, that the nadir for share prices in March was "the" bottom. (上述共识与另外一项共识一致,即股市xx月份的低点是“真正的”底部。)


nadir photograph一般作为名词使用,如在photograph nadir(photograph nadir (point)\n【光学】相片天底点,相底点[亦作 nadir point])、photograph(照片 )、ground nadir(地面底点)等常见短语中出现较多。

photograph nadirphotograph nadir (point)\n【光学】相片天底点,相底点[亦作 nadir point]
ground nadir地面底点
map nadir图面天底点
nadir angle天底角
nadir distance天底距
nadir line像底线
nadir plumment天底点对点器
nadir point天底点


1. Curve representing the luminance of a luminaire in a vertical plane as a function of the angle from the nadir. (翻译:在垂直平面内表征灯具亮度的曲线,其中将亮度表征为与垂直方向夹角的函数。)

2. Less than six years on, they seem to have reached a post-Soviet nadir. (翻译:不过还不到xx年,两国关系看起来就像又回到了苏联解体后的最低点。)

3. If you look in German, you see something completely bizarre, something you pretty much never see, which is he becomes extremely famous and then all of a sudden plummets, going through a nadir between 1933 and 1945, before rebounding afterward. (翻译:在德语书中 你会看到非常奇怪的现象 闻所未闻 见所未见 他先是名极一时 但突然之间 名声直线下落 在xx年到xx年间达到了低谷 后来才回升 )

4. But CFOs overall have continued to become more positive since the nadir of the fourth quarter of last year. (翻译:不过,总体而言,自去年第四季度跌至谷底以来,财务总监们的乐观情绪在不断上升。)

5. There has been a small regrowth in royalist support since the nadir following Princess Diana's death. (翻译:对英国王室的支持,从戴安娜王妃逝世后达到最低位起现在已经有了小幅重新增长。)

6. If you look in German, you see something completely bizarre, something you pretty much never see, which is he becomes extremely famous and then all of a sudden plummets, going through a nadir between 1933 and 1945, before rebounding afterward. (翻译:在德语书中 你会看到非常奇怪的现象 闻所未闻 见所未见 他先是名极一时 但突然之间 名声直线下落 在xx年到xx年间达到了低谷 后来才回升)

7. 1945 to 1946 was the nadir of Truman's presidency. (翻译:1945至xx年是杜鲁门总统生涯的最低点。)

8. The answer may be found in what she has related of her early life as the daughter of the chief of the Banu Nadir. (翻译:可能会在她提到作为巴努•纳迪尔部落首领的女儿时的早期生活中发现。)

9. However, he found recognition in other ways. (翻译:头版 附照片 Front page: with photograph.)

10. Company losses reached their nadir in 1999. (翻译:xx年公司的亏损达到了最严重的程度。)

11. The fat, Necdet, Nadir, Sukru will close the gates. (翻译:玛斯多克,内克,纳迪,萨库 关上门.然后用床抵住)

12. Today Paul will receive the ultimate humiliation, which he'll consider the nadir of his decline. (翻译:今天保罗会受到最后的羞辱 他会认为是失败的低谷)

13. Soyuz 23s, "Olympus" docked to the nadir side of the Space Station. (翻译:联盟23s“奥林巴斯”号停靠在空间站的最下端。)

14. Nadir admits the UK marketplace is "more difficult than we expected" but the company is happy to have reached its current "good position" . (翻译:Nadir承认,英国的市场环境“比预计中要困难”,但该公司对其目前所处的“不错的排名”表示满意。)

15. Since the nadir in March, U. S. stocks have gained close to 50% and investment-grade credit spreads have halved. (翻译:自xx月创出最低点以来,美国股市已上涨了近50%,投资级的债券息差则下降了一半。)

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