naggar是什么意思 naggar的中文翻译、读音、例句

naggar是什么意思 naggar的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:- Camille is for girls and boys. (-不 是男孩名 - Camille. - Non, un garçon.)


例句:You know, I have no one to nag me, 告诉我,我应该是在任何时候。)


1. Ain't no dealer I know would travel 100 miles to sell a five-dollar nag. (翻译:我从未听过马贩 会长途跋涉去卖五块钱的马)

2. Results: Gujikang liniment can resist the inflammation and swelling causes by xylene of a- gar. (翻译:结果:骨肌康搽剂能对抗二甲苯或琼脂引起的炎症和肿胀。)

3. Originally, Gar had agreed to come up as a consultant. (翻译:原来,加尔只答应来充当我们的顾问。)

4. Mr. Mill, Gar Girard. I'm here to represent you. (翻译:米尔先生 我是加尔·杰拉德 我是你的代理人)

5. When he gets up late, you nag him. (翻译:呵呵 妈妈 你真是起早了也说 起晚了也说 你说该怎么好)

6. Platonism and Hermetism are discussed in the Nag Hammadi collection, but there is no urge toward "world destruction" or even the deliberate disruption of the social order. (翻译:柏拉图主义与赫密斯主义在拿戈玛第著作集中得到了讨论,但是并没有任何对“毁灭世界”甚至蓄意摧毁社会秩序的意思表示。)

7. Mr. Fukushima and the others will nag. (翻译:好,我们该走了 如果没有准时参加雪祭巡游的话)

8. He figured that nag stripped him bare, it's his turn now. He waited five years. (翻译:他想那匹马害他一无所有 现在该轮到它了 他等了足足xx年)

9. Francois was angry. "Now, by Gar, I fix you! " He cried, coming back with a heavy club in his hand. (翻译:福楼沙火了,“妈的,看我来收拾你!”他拿了根棍子在手里走回来,喊道。)

10. NAG was more accurate than NAPP in predicting acid forming potential of the tailings due to the uncompleted oxidization of pyritic sulfur. (翻译:由于黄铁矿硫不会完全被氧化,NAG比NAPP可更为准确地预测尾矿的产酸潜力。)

11. Remember rto kill the gar engine. (翻译:记得关掉汽车发动机。)

12. For example, there's no mention in here of an evil god that creates the world, like you find in some of these Nag Hammadi texts. (翻译:比方说,这里没有提到邪恶的神创造了世界,你可能会在其他拿戈玛第文献中找到。)

13. We're running out of time. (翻译:该走了孩子 时间不够了 Il faut y aller, garçon.)

14. Bingley did not answer, but his sisters agreed enthusiastically, and continued mocking their dear friend's vul - gar relations for some time. (翻译:彬格莱没有回答,可是他的姐妹们兴高采烈地表示同意,并继续嘲笑了一会儿亲爱的朋友的下贱亲戚。)

15. An area called Darvazy Gar. (翻译:- 一个叫做Darvazy Gar的地方)

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