nanocubes是什么意思 nanocubes的中文翻译、读音、例句

nanocubes是什么意思 nanocubes的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:The ministry last week said Apple had reported 34 additional cases of overheating Nanos. (经济产业省上周说,苹果已经又报告了34起Nano过热事件。)


例句:One of my own demos: Bouncing Mandelbrot Cubes. (我的一个演示:弹跳曼德尔·布罗立方体。)


例句:- Mrs Ozcan, if you still want ice cubes, tell me. (- 欧茨坎太太,如果您还需要冰块请跟我说)


例句:Once frozen, store the cubes in a plastic resealable bag. (翻译:冷冻后,把冰块储放在可再次密封的塑料袋中。)


1. - Mrs Ozcan, if you still want ice cubes, tell me. (翻译:- 欧茨坎太太,如果您还需要冰块请跟我说)

2. Once frozen, store the cubes in a plastic resealable bag. (翻译:冷冻后,把冰块储放在可再次密封的塑料袋中。)

3. Multi-spectrum nano-sensor array. (翻译:其实是多光谱纳米感应队列 Multi -spectrum nano -sensor array.)

4. And what's really neat about it -- well, actually, this all looks like nano-artwork, but it turns out that nano-artwork is just what you need to make nano-circuits. (翻译:最精彩的是 这些看上去都像是纳米级的艺术品 但实际上纳米级的艺术品 其实就是建造纳米级的电路板所需要的东西)

5. Within a few years, Nanos could also be available in Europe and the U. S. (翻译:几年内,NANO还将会进入欧洲和美国市场。)

6. Conclusion: Decorated nano TiO2 and nano ZrO2 could be permeated into dental composite resin evenly. (翻译:结论:经过表面处理的纳米二氧化钛和纳米二氧化锆能够均匀的渗入牙科复合树脂中。)

7. So I took 16 iPod Nanos and made a kind of a Nano fish, basically. (翻译:我拿了16个iPod Nano 然后做了一种叫Nano鱼的东西)

8. Well they didn't build that. They built a proper car. Nano. (翻译:可是他们没有这样做。他们制造了一辆正规的汽车。Nano. )

9. There are 8 corner cubes, which each have three red faces, 12 edge cubes, which have two red faces, 6 face cubes, which have 1 red face, and a single center cube, which has no red faces. (翻译:有 8 个角上的方块, 每块都有三面涂成了红色; 12 个边上的方块, 每块有二面是红色的; 6 个表面的方块,只有一面红色; 以及 1 个没有红色面的中心方块。)

10. Omitting the earbuds with the inline remote and mic also limits the nano's VoiceOver feature. (翻译:缺少内线遥控和麦克风的耳机也限制了nano的VoiceOver功能。)

11. Hexahedral cube is consisted of 8 colorful cubes. (翻译:立体魔方是由8个色彩艳丽的立体魔方组成。)

12. Optimize OLAP models and cubes. (翻译:优化olap模型和多维数据集。)

13. I put a nano tracker gel in the wine. (翻译:我在酒里放了一粒纳米追踪装置 I put a nano tracker gel in the wine.)

14. At SIT he was researching nano machines. (翻译:爱菲迪亚医生 SIT的教授,也是第一位研究微机器的专家)

15. Counting up what you’ve completely painted, you see 8 corner cubes in each color, 6 edge cubes in each color, 6 face cubes in each color, and 1 center cube. (翻译:数一数已经涂完的方块, 会看到每个颜色有 8 个角落方块、 6 个边缘方块、 6 个表面方块、 和 1 个中心方块。)

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