narrow angle diffusion是什么意思 narrow angle diffusion的中文翻译、读音、例句

narrow angle diffusion是什么意思 narrow angle diffusion的中文翻译、读音、例句

narrow angle diffusion在英语中代表"深照型漫射"的意思,在日常中也代表"深照型漫射"的意思,单词读音音标为[narrowanglediffusion],narrow angle diffusion常被用作名词,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到45个与narrow angle diffusion相关的例句。

Narrow angle diffusion的词典翻译


例句:There are data on the rates of diffusion of molecules. (有一些关于分子的扩散速率的数据。)


narrow angle diffusion一般作为名词使用,如在narrow angle(狭角)、narrow angle camera([网络] 窄角照相机;窄角相机;狭角相机)、narrow angle coordinator(窄角坐标方位仪)等常见短语中出现较多。

narrow angle狭角
narrow angle camera[网络] 窄角照相机;窄角相机;狭角相机
narrow angle coordinator窄角坐标方位仪
narrow angle lens窄角物镜, 窄角镜头
narrow angle luminaire[网络] 深照型灯具;狭照型照明器具;深照型照明器
pitch angle diffusion[地物] 投掷角扩散
wide angle diffusion广角漫射
narrow into变窄成为…


2. That's one angle; here's another angle. (翻译:这里是从一个角度看,这里是从另一个角度看。)

3. It's a joint of tubes. You start by teaching angles -- an acute angle, a right angle, an obtuse angle, a straight angle. (翻译:我们可以开始教学角形了—— 锐角,直角,钝角,平角。)

4. Practically all love angle. (翻译:当然了 Practically all love angle.)

5. Sharron Angle's angry because the press is reporting what she says to the press. (翻译:Sharron Angle之所以生气 是因为媒体把她说的话就这么给播了)

6. Right full rudder. 30 degree down angle. (翻译:-Right full rudder. 30 degree down angle.)

7. You always have every angle covered. (翻译:你总是能摆平一切 You always have every angle covered.)

8. In the controller, the motor angle was controlled by the feedback of the yaw rate and the sideslip angle. (翻译:调节器中,通过横摆角速度和侧偏角的共同反馈控制助力电机的转角。)

9. Heterogeneous Sensor Data Association by Using Angle, Angle Rate and ITG Information (翻译:利用角度、角度变化率和ITG信息的主被动传感器数据关联)

10. Am I going to be taken away by security again? (翻译:某条窄街上的一楼 in a narrow street on the ground floor.)

11. 15 degrees on the bow planes. (翻译:舰首俯倾15度 右转到240 快 15 degrees down angle on the bow planes.)

12. Especially from this angle. (翻译:特别是从这个角度 Especially from this angle.)

13. His angle is the only angle (翻译:他是唯一的希望 His angle is the only angle)

14. It's a camera technique where you narrow the angle to get the entire screen in focus. (翻译:摄像机镜头一下子集中 对画面的每一个地方对焦的摄影技术)

15. # To clear the narrow street # (翻译:# To clear the narrow street #)

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